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Fifth Gate

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I cant stop cracking up l000000000000l this shit is fucking hilarious




How delusional can a clan be lmfao. They lost both days and today they participated in our fight vs Jaja lmao


they copied us HAHAHAHA


joke of a clan


i'm gonna enjoy the ride. 2019 and 2020 is gonna be a fucking FEAST


wait lmfao did they actually try to copy us after losing?


they had literally the worst weekend in pure clanning history on their anniversary LOL and they are trying to redeem themselves from that?



1 hour ago, Kurama said:

I cant stop cracking up l000000000000l this shit is fucking hilarious




How delusional can a clan be lmfao. They lost both days and today they participated in our fight vs Jaja lmao

I could be wrong here, but anyone noticing “11-10-2018 fo fucking demolished, 11-10-2018 foe Fucking demolished”....and it just repeats that exact sequence? Just a thought, but seems like they had 2 people, one said one sentence, the other said the second one, and they edited it to look like there was more

2 hours ago, Remy said:

wait lmfao did they actually try to copy us after losing?


they had literally the worst weekend in pure clanning history on their anniversary LOL and they are trying to redeem themselves from that?


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