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Quick question


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Hoping some of you might be able to help me.


I will be training up strength soon on my 13 pray mauler and I'm planning to do this at NMZ for the sake of afk with 50 attack, I'm already 75 strength right now and crabs aren't working out for me esp since mobile came out. (too many people stealing your spot, not afk enough, lol aren't we spoiled this day and age with all the afk possibilities.)


I'm getting 99 range at NMZ soon so I have enough points to imbue, I know granite hammer is BIS but thenI was just wondering, should I wear a zerker (i) or a tyrannical ring (i) for the extra crush bonus since the monsters are pretty high def, however giving up the zerker would be giving up a max hit pretty much.


Accuracy > max hit when training

Max hit > accuracy when pking

6 minutes ago, Utc said:

I would use bring (i)



bring the nmz monsters dont have high enough def to make a difference and even if they did the additional max hits from bring would still give you overall better exp/hr

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