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Public Message to EOP.


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#1 -

First off, it is actually pathetic witnessing a clan that has made a "legacy" from blatantly bringing mains to fight other pure clans cry about their opponents using mains.

For 5 weeks now, you have openly brought 25+ mains to fight FOE just because you "couldn't pull high enough" which is one of the most beta pussy moves I have ever seen from any leadership in the history of this game.


(The beginning of when EOP started using mains around a month ago where EOP High council insisted it was a "1 time thing".)


9b22b501b96cf58a83edd82efce68c17.png "if we dont pull, we just play dirty"


How dumb of a leadership do you have to bring 65 mains last weekend and then complain about mains the following weekend?



You tried to claim some sort of fake win last Saturday after running to single (with 40 mains) and camping it while your opponents were in multi waiting for you. You are not allowed to sit there in safe zone and run back and forth acting like you are still in the fight. The second you hit single, you lose and that's final. 


It was pretty comical watching you try and replicate that today just to get absolutely fucking humiliated. Hope you learned your lesson.


FOE holds all the cards and we dictate where and how we fight. Nobody else. If we warn you and tell you to go to multi but you refuse, expect to be camped in single by 100 FOE until you break just like today. 


^^ Refer to this topic before you spew the bullshit out about the mains, the pics show everything and is a perfect view of how the fight went. ^^


You will never EVER even come close to matching the quality and determination FOE currently has, good luck pussies.


u type 2 much, just pm me 4 singing lessons


post-trip thoughts after today's trip, that was maybe their worst performance i have ever seen. They charge at us, less than 2 minutes later they are in singles and half of their members are running around the zombies for an hour lost as fuck. rip.


absolutely dog shit lmfao stay easy


Straight up delusional 


Careful what you ask for, eop


They lost a lot of runite armor today


good luck haha


every single FOE member looks at eop like a fucking joke now hahaha


you will never turn it around


Eop fags, cant handle the truth

4 minutes ago, London2nyc said:

Straight up delusional 


Careful what you ask for, eop


10 minutes ago, Steve said:

No sexting for dull tonight... Momma caroline wont be happy.


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