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fast glory teleport (if not wearing)


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so ye basically i lost  a balista last sunday , i was battling 3 ppl in multi when i switched my glory for phoenix , when i was out of food and wanted to teleport away i died 

cause of the panic of searching for that "rub" button. a little trick i remebered back in the days is putting ur glory  at the bottem of ur inventory , so whe u right click u can instantly left click for "rub" and press "1" after to instantly teleport to edgvill . this might help some if your a noob like me ? 


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This means you have to have your pnecks at the bottom so when you remove your glory it goes to the bottom row. What madman has pnecks on the bottom row? Probably @Paul

Edited by Liam
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8 minutes ago, Liam said:

This means you have to have your pnecks at the bottom so when you remove your glory it goes to the bottom row. What madman has pnecks on the bottom row? Probably @Paul

and me ?

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