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21/11 Foecaves - Perfecting EOP and IR


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Dominated the #foecaves for 5 hours uncontested, and ended IR's 20-man trip with two quick clears after they massed up to hit us. We then ended having completely cleared all competition from the caves.




On hearing that we ended, EOP attempted to sneak into the caves to give their members some much needed action. Within 5 minutes we remassed 30 shooters, fully cleared them and ended their trip.


A reminder for EOP - you aren't allowed to pk and this will happen every time you enter the wilderness.






Yo, honestly though, no one wants these hands hahaha. IR and EOP pretty fucking ded if you ask me!


BNAK was made in FOECaves today. always be ready boys, loot is always readily available with these noobs coming out into our wildy.



Wow they lasted longer than the weekend

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