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[Final Ownage Elite, flames]


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(02:23:49) <Armien> Why wasn't Final Ownage Elite, at the Pure Warfare Event 2009 ( BLUE v RED )?

(02:24:00) <+i2eally> stfu

(02:24:07) <Armien> Don't flame.

(02:24:14) <+i2eally> seriously dude ur not hard

(02:24:26) <Armien> Just don't flame.

(02:24:30) <+i2eally> lmfao ur trash

(02:24:31) * Gf`Mike_ (~GfMike@Swift-1B9D5C61.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #finalownage

(02:24:32) * Captain_Falcon set mode: +v Gf`Mike_

(02:24:50) <Armien> Oh, i didn't even talked to you and search a life, pff. Flaming people for nothing.

(02:25:00) <@[Foe]Bot>  Pure Warfare topic is out we are the champions!! : http://pure-warfare.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6608

(02:25:17) <+i2eally> lmfao ur trash

(02:25:19) * +Gf`Mike has quit IRC (Ping timeout)

(02:25:27) * Gf`Mike_ is now known as Gf`Mike

(02:25:32) <Armien> Good, but you don't have a life.

(02:25:38) <+i2eally> seriously dude ur not hard

(02:25:41) <Armien> Ur just a fat kid, that is getting bullyd on school.

(02:25:53) <+i2eally> kid i bench a million

(02:26:00) <Armien> Uhu

(02:26:02) <Armien> Don't talk.

(02:26:04) <+|`Away> lmfao ur so weak

(02:26:06) <+|`Away> faggot

(02:26:13) <+i2eally> u tell him mighty

(02:26:13) <Armien> Me or Him O.o

(02:26:16) <+i2eally> u pussy

(02:26:17) <+|`Away> U

(02:26:18) <+|`Away> FAGO

(02:26:20) <Armien> who?

(02:26:22) <+|`Away> U

(02:26:24) <Armien> Where?

(02:26:27) <+Spittles> yoyoyyo

(02:26:27) <+[Foe]I2anged> later guys <3

(02:26:30) <+|`Away> bye

(02:26:30) <Armien> Bye ;)

(02:26:32) * [FOE]Madly_hybrid (~FOEMadl@Swift-65A128B4.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) has joined #finalownage

(02:26:32) * Captain_Falcon set mode: +v [FOE]Madly_hybrid

(02:26:32) * [Foe]I2anged is now known as Dan``Away

(02:26:32) <+Spittles> we got a situation

(02:26:39) <+|`Away> its called my abs

(02:26:52) * Dan``Away is now known as Dan``Away`BNC

(02:26:52) * nofilicity (~nofi@A35DB93D.62013A69.508823DC.IP) has joined #finalownage

(02:26:58) <Armien> ---

(02:26:58) <Armien> (02:23:49) <Armien> Why wasn't Final Ownage Elite, at the Pure Warfare Event 2009 ( BLUE v RED )?

(02:26:58) <Armien> (02:24:00) <+i2eally> stfu

(02:26:58) <Armien> (02:24:07) <Armien> Don't flame.

(02:26:58) <Armien> (02:24:14) <+i2eally> seriously dude ur not hard

(02:26:59) <@[Foe]Bot>  Pure Warfare topic is out we are the champions!! :


(02:27:00) <nofilicity> i would just like to say

(02:27:02) <nofilicity> that i2eally benches a million

(02:27:02) <+i2eally> stop spamming plz

(02:27:12) <%Leet> Armien

(02:27:15) <Armien> Leet.

(02:27:16) <%Leet> we was at that event

(02:27:17) * +[Foe]Jon|Sniping has quit IRC (Client exited)

(02:27:22) <Armien> Ehm,

(02:27:32) <+|`Away> NOT

(02:27:33) <+|`Away> HARD

(02:27:33) <+i2eally> lmfao Armien i fkd ur mom

(02:27:34) <+Mitch|T0tal> `Jessica

(02:27:37) <Armien> Lol, nevermind.

(02:27:42) <Armien> Leet, yes you was.

(02:27:44) <%Leet> ;p

(02:27:44) <Armien> In team red.

(02:27:47) <%Leet> ya

(02:27:52) <Armien> Could you kick i2eally, for Flaming me?

(02:27:55) <+i2eally> r0fl

(02:27:55) <nofilicity> Armien

(02:27:57) <nofilicity> did you know

(02:27:58) <+i2eally> gl with that pig

(02:28:00) <nofilicity> that i2eally benches a million

(02:28:01) <%Leet> I could but that would result in him flaming me

(02:28:12) <Armien> o.o

(02:28:18) <+Mitch|T0tal> Leet

(02:28:19) * +Eaz_y has quit IRC (Ping timeout)

(02:28:19) <+i2eally> im a 99 str pure kid

(02:28:23) <nofilicity> ^^ ive seen cape

(02:28:27) <Armien> I don't care?

(02:28:30) <nofilicity> ITS BIG AND GREEN LIKE THE HULKS DICK

(02:28:33) <Armien> o.o

(02:28:35) <%Leet> sup Mitch|T0tal

(02:28:39) <+i2eally> u better care when i dds u 50 50 for ags kid

(02:28:40) <+i2eally> gf bank

(02:28:41) <+Mitch|T0tal> could you do me a favour? :D

(02:28:44) <%Leet> Depends

(02:28:45) <+Mitch|T0tal> lend me zerk ring? :P

(02:28:47) <nofilicity> no im not british i only do favors

(02:28:52) <%Leet> Don't have

(02:28:55) <+Mitch|T0tal> :(

(02:28:59) <@[Foe]Bot>  Pure Warfare topic is out we are the champions!! : http://pure-warfare.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6608

(02:29:01) <Armien> Lol, u better care when i see u in real life, and kicking ur ass 50 50

(02:29:02) <%Leet> if ur not english u suck

(02:29:05) <+Ower> .ml pp

(02:29:09) <+i2eally> lmfao kid im on probation

(02:29:10) <nofilicity> Armien u think ppl have 100 hp?

(02:29:13) <+i2eally> i stole a itouch kid

(02:29:14) <nofilicity> lern to health :PPPPPPppppppppppppp

(02:29:16) * nofilicity (~nofi@A35DB93D.62013A69.508823DC.IP) has left #finalownage (Leaving)

(02:29:17) <+i2eally> who the fuck u think u r

(02:29:18) <Armien> Lmao, don't highlight me.

(02:29:18) <+|`Away> RL THREAT WATCH OUT

(02:29:19) <+|`Away> RL THREAT WATCH OUT

(02:29:22) <+|`Away> RL THREAT WATCH OUT

(02:29:25) <+i2eally> Armien

(02:29:27) <+i2eally> Armien r u there

(02:29:29) <%Leet> ya Armien be careful he touched a kid he typoed

(02:29:31) <+i2eally> hey Armien???? Armien

(02:29:33) <+i2eally> Armien r u there

(02:29:39) <Armien> Highlights = Off.

(02:29:39) <+|`Away> Armien ur really strong irl

(02:29:39) <Armien> Dw

(02:29:47) <+i2eally> Armien ill still hl u

(02:29:50) <Armien> Good ;)

(02:29:52) <Armien> Go on.

(02:30:00) <+i2eally> anyways i benched 2 million 2day punk

(02:30:02) <+|`Away> rofl winked at u

(02:30:03) <+|`Away> gay

(02:30:10) <Armien> o.o

(02:30:10) <+i2eally> u gay nigga?

(02:30:13) <+i2eally> u aint even say no homo..

(02:30:16) <+i2eally> gay ass homo nigga

(02:30:19) * [EOD]Sick is now known as [EOD]Sick`Away

(02:30:19) <Armien> . . .

(02:30:23) <Armien> Yea, flame more.

(02:30:23) <+|`Away> faggot haha

(02:30:25) <+|`Away> ur so gay

(02:30:28) <Armien> Go on.

(02:30:35) <+i2eally> gay ass homo nigga(02:30:37) <%Leet> i2eally wanna not troll for 10mins plz

(02:30:39) <Armien> Good.

(02:30:39) <Armien> Good.

(02:30:43) <+|`Away> say go on again ill kill ur ass irl

(02:30:46) <Armien> Go on?

(02:30:49) <+|`Away> O

(02:30:50) <+i2eally> Leet this kid thinks i cant bench a million r0fl)!L)

(02:30:50) <+|`Away> O

(02:30:58) <@[Foe]Bot>  Pure Warfare topic is out we are the champions!! : http://pure-warfare.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6608


(02:31:22) <+[Foe]Mario|Unholyy_Pker> !gu

(02:31:33) <+|`Away> (20:28:29) <Armien> fuck foe

(02:31:35) <+|`Away> he started it (THIS AIN'T TRUE AT ALL) Scroll up, if you have Bnc and didn't close Foe channel Tab.

(02:31:35) * Rich_n00b53 has quit IRC (Client exited)

(02:31:36) <Armien> ..

(02:31:37) <Jake|DD> any1 lone me ags plz?

(02:31:40) * Stephen|SuckOnMyAddy (~StephenS@Swift-21320ADE.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) has joined #finalownage

(02:31:40) <+i2eally> wow kid

(02:31:44) <Armien> I didn't start it

(02:31:44) <+i2eally> talkin sht 2 my clan?

(02:31:48) <Armien> Lol, lmfao.

(02:31:50) <+|`Away> ye he is

(02:31:53) <+i2eally> lmfao ur cruZin for a bruZin

(02:31:56) <+|`Away> lil

(02:31:56) <Armien> 20:28:29 ?

(02:31:56) <+|`Away> bitch

(02:32:01) <Armien> Lmao, uhu

(02:32:17) * Stephen|SuckOnMyAddy (~StephenS@Swift-21320ADE.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) has left #finalownage

(02:32:18) <Armien> Okay, Im going to post this on Forums.

(02:32:21) <+i2eally> do it pussy

(02:32:22) <+i2eally> no balls

(02:32:24) <+|`Away> bring it

(02:32:25) <+i2eally> man up bitch boy

(02:32:25) <+|`Away> f4g

(02:32:26) <+|`Away> lmfa0

(02:32:31) <+[Foe]Mario|Unholyy_Pker> !ge royal

(02:32:36) <+i2eally> lmfao im gonna bench 3 million and throw it at ur teef kid

(02:32:40) <+|`Away> garrett who is this guy anyway

(02:32:41) <Jake|DD> any1 lend me ags plz???????

(02:32:46) <+i2eally> dunno some dumb lith

(02:32:49) <Armien> Foe is getting an bad name, cause of you guys. And Ops are not doing anything about it.!

(02:32:58) <+i2eally> bad name

(02:32:58) <@[Foe]Bot>  Pure Warfare topic is out we are the champions!! : http://pure-warfare.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6608

(02:33:05) <+|`Away> bad name for bad asses

(02:33:08) <[FOE]iRock_W137> purple

(02:33:08) <+|`Away> foe are bad asses

(02:33:09) <[FOE]iRock_W137> hmm

(02:33:13) <%Pixii> damn straight mirwin

(02:33:16) <+[Foe]Mario|Unholyy_Pker> !alog unholyy pker

(02:33:16) <+|`Away> YEAH SON

(02:33:18) * FOEmote (~AAAAAAAAA@Swift-773E0B0C.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) has joined #finalownage

(02:33:18) * Captain_Falcon set mode: +v FOEmote

(02:33:19) <+|`Away> PIXII

(02:33:20) <%Pixii> i see u nigga

(02:33:23) <+|`Away> (20:28:29) <Armien> fuck foe Not true . . .

(02:33:27) <+|`Away> u believe that mofo?

(02:33:28) <Armien> Wow, i didn't say that.

(02:33:28) <%Pixii> aw hell na

(02:33:30) <+FOEmote> yo i2eally i hear a gringo is giving you trouble

(02:33:31) <+|`Away> YE

(02:33:32) <+|`Away> YE

(02:33:32) <+Ower> .ge royal

(02:33:33) <+i2eally> yea man

02:33:38) <%[Foe]Bmore> !kb Armien

(02:33:38) * Captain_Falcon set mode: +b *!*@Swift-80C7466.speed.planet.nl

(02:33:38) * You were kicked from #finalownage by Captain_Falcon (Requested)(02:33:38) * Attempting to rejoin #finalownage in 2 seconds...

(02:33:40) * Attempting to rejoin #finalownage...

* Cannot join #finalownage, you are banned from the channel

1. Why did he start, flaming me?

2. Why did nobody did anything about it?

3. Why did the Halfop KickBanned me?

4. Is this resulting to something?

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Justin|1 PureDevil

i just jizzed in my pants.

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