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Looking for midweek rev team gmt +1


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I'm looking to pump up my wildy activity. 

Looking for people we wanne do some pking on a regularly basis. I'm always available between 5 and 10 pm gmt +1


I had trouble with finding people last days so posting it here


If you are on anywhere from like 2 hrs from now on wards there have been people Pking at revs for the past few weeks relatively consistently. If your idled on TS and in the public fc you should notice a bunch of us gathering up calling for people to jump on TS. 


Call me god, BIZZ etc atlmost pks every day. So just idle on ts and in the CC and you wont miss a trip my bro


hey bud idle on ts anywhere from 2pm-12pm gmt there are usually atleast one or two pk trips going

17 minutes ago, City_Wok said:

If you are on anywhere from like 2 hrs from now on wards there have been people Pking at revs for the past few weeks relatively consistently. If your idled on TS and in the public fc you should notice a bunch of us gathering up calling for people to jump on TS. 

Mate I'm there every time hopping channels asking if someone wnanne go revs sometimes I do find a group but not everyday. 

15 minutes ago, Lunde said:

Call me god, BIZZ etc atlmost pks every day. So just idle on ts and in the CC and you wont miss a trip my bro

Yes I've been with call me god recently but looking for others that are Interested . I don't always wanne wait for.group to be created. 

19 minutes ago, Brap said:

hey bud idle on ts anywhere from 2pm-12pm gmt there are usually atleast one or two pk trips going



I usually pk every night bro, been doing a bit more bridding then multi though. I'll be getting back into it once I have my castlewars gear completed


Yh I’m down, just hit 94 mage on the baby, should be around tonight 


poke me maar als ge gaat! soms heb ik wel eens zin om terug te pken ?

1 minute ago, Yentll said:

poke me maar als ge gaat! soms heb ik wel eens zin om terug te pken ?

Gisteren met Yellowsnow paar mense gekilled bij ents xd echt lache vind soms. Leuk gwn Rondlope en mense kille xd zeker alsk stoned Ben haha


i midweek daily, i may have missed a few days when i was in amsterdam but now im back ive pked daily just idle in ts trips usually start around 5pm + gmt  uk times.

if im off work then i usually do a earlier trip too

if im not online 

these guys always host trips too ? 

@call me god 


8 minutes ago, 3Shrillrage said:

Gisteren met Yellowsnow paar mense gekilled bij ents xd echt lache vind soms. Leuk gwn Rondlope en mense kille xd zeker alsk stoned Ben haha

lmao, call me volgende keer


just watch the clanchat of final ownage, we host trips atleast daily. 

12 hours ago, City_Wok said:

If you are on anywhere from like 2 hrs from now on wards there have been people Pking at revs for the past few weeks relatively consistently. If your idled on TS and in the public fc you should notice a bunch of us gathering up calling for people to jump on TS. 

Says it all

  • 2 months later...

be online this weekend to kill shit clans

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