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FOE Presents: Sounds of EOP Losing w/ 90 Mains - Dec 1st Audio Leak


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Since the fight was over 30 minutes long, we tried our best to trim it down a bit to some of the better parts that way you don't bore your ass off listening to these rats. 


I can only imagine how demoralizing it would be to be a member and listen to your ranks breakdown and cry in the middle of your fights. I've never seen a clan full of so many pussies that try to come off like they know what they're doing. Just by listening to their trips, you can tell they have literally no plan and don't have the slightest idea how to save their own clan. Each weekend, we will continue releasing these until they learn that the only option they have is to hide from us in clan wars (which will only make them pull lower and lower).


Unfortunately, it was such a slaughter that there own leader (Dull) went completely silent during the fight, so we won't get to hear him rage like a baby this time.


Listen to how defeated they sound after coming to the realization they lost even with the help of 90 mains LOL.

Never forget, 3c2c4afebaf2043c9382fd6f3d08380f.png no win.


Just like last time, more timestamps will be listed below including my personal favs.


@Applicant @Member @Experienced @Senior @Old School

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0:03 - leader telling his clan to log in their tanks and pm Jaja the world.

1:05 - Their own leader (dull) legitimately pretends to get ddosed and disconnects himself to avoid the embarrassment of calling this lose cause.

1:45 - 3 low tier callers all competing to find out who's worse.

2:27 - low tier caller flames another low tier caller. 

3:02 - arguing about the movements but doesn't understand they have 20 pures in game so it doesn't matter.

3:43 - holy shit this guy is choking hard.

4:15 - retard tells his clan what where they need to move after he just told them to do the opposite. 

4:20 - LOL. this kids mom yelled at him to "shut the fuck up" in spanish while he was trying to call. 

4:43 - unmuting ts because the leaders gave up.

5:55 - listen to this kids pussy fucking weak voice.

7:37 - moron tries to talk to his friend Spark but Spark doesn't reply cause he left trip 30 mins ago.

8:16 - mexican immigrant begs his clan to make tanks "you aren't gonna win this without tanks" thats right faggot.

9:10 - "you log out of your pure and get demoralized and it ends just like that". 

10:10 - "make sure you make a tank" disregarding how is leader just went over how important it is to be on your pure. 

11:10 - this random idiot actually said that eop is a better than foe at matched opts LMFAO.

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