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Christmas Event 2018

Go Hard

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This years Christmas Event takes us to Lumbridge!

Length: 10-15 minutes.

Items needed to complete:
Ball of wool
Falador and Lumbridge teleports


Items recommended to bring:


Starting point:
Lumbridge Castle, talk to Duke Horacio



Talk to Duke Horacio (1 2 1 5)
Use Knife on a normal tree outside the castle walls.
Run north to the furnace and click on the gem barrel to take gems decorative (next to the door).

Run to the Altar and search it for the gold decorative.
Use your ball of wool with the branches, decorative gems and the gold star. 
Go back to the Duke 
Pick up chair in the Duke's chambers



  • Hans (walking circles around castle) - Give Hans the red chair
  • Count Check (lumbridge graveyard) - Go to the furnace, ask the apprentice for the rings. Go to the graveyard and give Count Check the rings.
  • Gillie the milk maid (north east cow pin) - Talk to Bob and receive an Amulet of duplication. Run North-east to the cow pin and give Gillie the Amulet.
  • Farmer Fred - Dig up Pear tree sapling next to the frontdoor stairs/bushes of Lumbridge Castle. 3aE3KJE.pngGo to Fred (north west from castle) and give him the tree sapling.
  • Doom Sayer (next to the big christmas tree) - Talk to the Doom Sayer. Go to the Falador party room and talk to Party Pete. Go back to the Doom Sayer and give the whistle.


Go back to Duke Horacio and finish the event!


All the previous holiday items such as partyhat sets and certain outfits!

This years reward:
Star-face, Tree top and skirt + a Candy cane!


S/o to @Utc for testing and making adjustments with me.


Wow lucas, you are so amazing!


So you become a tree? IM IN!

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