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How do you set up your bank for both pking and clanning?


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I’m planning on getting back into pvp world pking and starting to brid but I’m faced with such a stupid problem.


My returns tab is geared in a way that returning to fights within one open bank view is possible, however, a lot of the things I need for PVP worlds/birdding aren’t gonna be present. Partially because things like a fire cape/arrows/msb/ torso of choice won’t fit in the space without removing something important, and partially because I have a separate tab for my big ticket clan wars items.


I wish Jagex would allow you to keep the same item in two tabs at the same time. That way I could have a returns tab, a brid tab, a pk tab, a F2P tab, and a clan wars tab without having any hassle 


solutions I’m considering rn are using the tab system on runelite which is a decent compromise, but is visually unappealing 


any other solutions/advice?


good question, tbh i havent had this problem tho. everything i need is usually in my return tab.

25 minutes ago, Danny said:

good question, tbh i havent had this problem tho. everything i need is usually in my return tab.



two seperate tabs, one f2p one p2p. i just swap foe capes between then before each trip.


also got a clw tab aofr all +1s

43 minutes ago, foe daniel said:

if you dont die you dont need to regear 


1 hour ago, foe daniel said:

if you dont die you dont need to regear 


4 hours ago, Danny said:

good question, tbh i havent had this problem tho. everything i need is usually in my return tab.


6 hours ago, Danny said:

good question, tbh i havent had this problem tho. everything i need is usually in my return tab.


7 hours ago, foe daniel said:

if you dont die you dont need to regear 


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