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Rank 1 (Lynx Titan) is 1M xp off hitting 200M in every skill. Yes, hell be the first truly MAXED player in osrs.


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Posted (edited)

His Hiscores page


I was just checking the osrs hiscores page for the memes and I decided to click on the rank 1 players profile (Lynx Titan). I then noticed he was lvl 99 200m xp in every skill besides one. Mining, in which at the time of posting, he has 198,870,796.

There are 23 skills in Runescape, and this guy is about to be maxed in all of them.

I was amazed that i had not heard the name before, so i decided to come and make a post here.

Why I made this thread

  1. To congratulate Lynx Titan and recognize his outstanding achievement.

  2. To provide players who did not know about this the chance to show him some love and support.

  3. To get in contact with him. I would love to hear his plans for osrs in the future, and hear his story. Im sure many more would too!

  4. So we as a community could come together to throw him a PARTY. A really good one. I'm going to circulate this thread on a few boards and hopefully garner some support for him. I'm personally gonna host a drop party if the event actually comes together!

Let's come together to celebrate our undying addiction to this Java-based with the biggest addict of OSRS!




His youtube Channel, go Sub and show him some love -https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMdxmZVEAQw9fnGtk0gaoCw


His hiscores page -



I will edit in all the threads in different forums i make





Edited by Yaz

Cool!!! Crazy guy


god dam that lifestyle must be so unhealthy lol i feel kinda bad for him..


leave some pussy for us @lynx titan


no way he doesnt have autism! all the hours it took getting to that... lets just say 30khrs ... that'd be 300k at min wage. 




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