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Rank 1 (Lynx Titan) is 1M xp off hitting 200M in every skill. Yes, hell be the first truly MAXED player in osrs.


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10 hours ago, Drives said:

no way he doesnt have autism! all the hours it took getting to that... lets just say 30khrs ... that'd be 300k at min wage. 




I glanced at the link posted to his AMA. He confirms he has asberger’s syndrome. Probably pretty severly 


Impressive achievement.


However, Zezima will always be the patron saint of Runescape.


All this just to get like maybe a statue ingame and die from heart disease 


The amount of hours this guy put into this game is kind of crazy.


That is dedication. Grats!


what he going to do now tho 

Posted (edited)
On 12/28/2018 at 12:31 AM, Utc said:

I dont see the point for going 200M xp but grats I guess


I understand what you are saying but people just like to hit crazy milestones. I mean, I don't really need to get 2k overall or 80 runecrafting, but for the sake of my pseudo OCD, I will do it.


Props to that guy, virgin or not, nerd or not, it is very impressive what he did. I hope he finds a better thing to spend his time on now.

Edited by So_easy99

He plays 17 hours a day, sleeps for 6 and says he still has "plenty of time" to do other things? 


Damn, that's pretty sad to hear tbh


The fact that he only eats lasagna and bread.... can't forget the 60 pushups/sit ups each day!


I'm sure he celebrated with some nice lasagna.

On 12/27/2018 at 11:32 PM, Ryan` said:

Virgin, grats though

hard to disagree with this reply bro ??

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