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4 hours ago, myrgen said:


:foedab: dont be glum 

  • 5 months later...
  • 3 months later...

I don't have a treadmill under a standing desk to get get my Garmin steps and play runescape at the same time. I was walking around Chicago and Milwaukee last weekend:



I woke up at 12am Friday EARLY MORNING to fly to Milwaukee:



I ate at a famous breakfast restaurant in Milwaukee:



I explored downtown Milwaukee and visited the public library:



My Sunday night flight back home got canceled, so I rented a car and carpooled with several other passengers (because I'm a nice guy, and not a fucking piece of shit!):



I even offered to pick up one of the passenger's checked bag when it arrived on the next flight in (Monday). We had a lovely conversation on the drive from Dallas to Houston... Who makes all this up?? And what did she say??? "Your honesty was refreshing" Really.



I called the airline to get permission to claim her bag at bagge claim. I picked it up.. look at how long I drove! It was longer than my original ETA, too. And I'm not boasting about any of this. I'm only trying to prove my honesty.. Sincerity is one of my morals, and I always try my best to be sincere. It sickens me to think about how my character is being perceived by others right now.



If I was a leak after 100mil, shouldn't I just open her bag and pawn the contents? She has a six-figure job. But then again, I have an eight-figure inheritance. Why am I even telling you my dox though?? A real leak wouldn't jeopordize his identity, would he? What more do you want to see???



Is my account age long enough to be ranked in another clan? Do you think my active lifestyle will ever allow me to be ranked in any clan; do you think I even desire such "online game responsibility"?

Account age:


Am I a pro at creating epic accounts? I followed runehq for questing and hired someone to get my 99s:


NMZ points:



Whatever went down this weekend, I'm sorry that you got tethered to it because of your rank. And I don't mean to offend you by comparing my active lifestyle and inability to gain rank to your rank (and thus.. different lifestyle). I'm genuinely not a bully. I did have some beef with Rainz and Korasi, but that is between them individually and me. It has nothing to do with leaking, and it has everything to do with fighting for what's right. Yes, I did fight with them. Yes, they obviously have power over me in this clan. But I will not stand for Rainz using the N word like it has no meaning--online or offline, he needs to be responsible for his actions. As for Korasi? He PM'd me pretending to sympathize with me about this [fake] ordeal. He was asking me questions posed in a way that no matter how I answered them, just by answering them without changing their format, would make me agree with said [fake] facts inside them (example given: you can't answer the 'why' in the question "Why did you leak?" without admitting you leaked--otherwise your answer would be grammatically incorrect). I called him out, and he began to troll me. I shut him down quick to the point where he could only respond with repetitive troll messages. He's on the opposite side of the IQ bell curve, and I really did destroy his ego. I cut deep into his soul and mind. I'm crazy, but I'm not insane. If we meet IRL, we can joke about my Mensa membership, and why I'm as crazy as I am. This message is all about me after all, isn't it? Let's switch it back to you.

Do you honestly believe I leaked? You can't answer it here, but you can think about it. Do you dare play devil's advocate and wonder what if I am being honest right now? What if these online friends of yours have lied to you. If that was the case, what other lies have there been? Am I the first "Leak" to get banned without any real evidence convicting me? If these friends, whom you've spent so many hours talking with, gaming with, making memories with, lied to you with such ease, would that hurt you? I admit, it would hurt me. It does hurt when someone close betrays that special trust. That's a lot for anyone to think about, even me. It's emotion-stricken thought--the human mind hates this thought; it is so uncomfortable that our first thought response is avoidance. A very shallow response, isn't it? But I can pretend to be K2P.


Being K2P, I really don't want to go against the grain and risk damaging my friendships--even in the name of truth--over some no-name 'applicant' who I have no roots with. He's practically a nobody, and he's obviously crazy. Looking at the bigger picture, I ought to just post this entire message to Foe and other clans in an attempt to embarass him and possibly harm him. That sure seems a lot easier than confronting any of these logical possibilities---wait, did I just think that all of what he wrote is actually very logical?

All-in-all, you seemed like a pretty cool dude until just before the end.. I forgive you K2P. I wish you the best no matter how you choose to move on from this.



Dash (FXu)

  • 2 months later...

f2p always so fun jajajajajajaja nice 1 bois

  • 9 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Still a memorable day Jan 5th 2019

  • 1 month later...

Sick Video Intense photos.


  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 6 months later...

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