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My 13 pray mauler progression thread.


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Figured I'd just make one topic that I'd keep updating.


I created this account on the 14th of october 2018 wanting a f2p range/2h account to fuck around on, here's my first range lvl!





I cannoned all of my early range lvls range at ogres at Zeah to stay low hp, str I did at sand crabs. 


Ofcourse I quested pretty much all of my attack exp to 40, also doing quests which would give me items for the best xp/h like a zammy book for example.











Eventually I got bored and figured I'd get 50 attack and all major pure quests out of the way, I never got an ava's because I liked the look of 13 pray and bolts aren't too expensive






I never finished MM in case I wanted to give 1 pray chinning a try, which I did, didn't go too well though lol.




So I finished 99 range doing NMZ all the way with mith darts




Eventually started getting the cool items, things as halo, imbueds, mage arena 2 cape and even a firecape!

I never wasted any time and enchanted bolts in castle wars for mage exp




Eventually 99 mage was also reached, doing most of it at nmz.





I'm currently at the point of where I just got 90 strength, since the exp rates are much slower It'll take much longer. 






Well well well, after a long hiatus I decided to pick this account back up again, a lot has happened as you can see stats wise.


I got that 99 strength, and 99 farming grinding for groot, sadly no luck yet.



Also still grinding the kbd for the pet, my current killcount is around 1200, I did have one "lucky" night though.


Can't believe I got a vissy and the d pick within 151 kills and no pet, I know some iron man would kill for this but sadly I'm just a normie...





Working on construction for ornate pool as well but really lowkey, only if I want to do anything click intensive but I cba.




 "side project things"


  • Doing about 20-30 kbd kills a day for pet, just because I want it, hoping I get lucky, getting some hp exp as well because I will be needing to train that post 99 str.

         ^ Actually got skull tricked for about 60-65m like a fucking retard so giving this one a rest for a while, might finish 99hp on kbd after 99 strength.    

  • Barb fishing because it's great mobile activity and I get strength/agility exp as well
  • Construction for ornate pool
  • Still need a range body from castle wars


Goals after these 3 things are crossed off will be 99 firemaking/99 cooking, after that idk.


If you have any advice/or if I made any typo's please tell me.

You can always add me/talk to me, I idle in foe CC most of the time and I'm on discord too.

Hope you enjoyed reading my topic!



Edited by I P U U R I
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2 hours ago, NiK0 said:

Great grind dude, awesome.


I would just go for that 99 str at sandgrabs its really afk as u know. Its good extra if u can do it with phone ?

I am man, but just not gonna do it all at once, cba burning out of rs.

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