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P2P Wilderness Fullout vs Apex | 186 Elites Obliterating and Forcing Apex to End in 8 Hours


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Sunday, January 13, 2019: Final Ownage Elite massed up 186 elites for one of the biggest P2P wars in the history of Pure Clanning. After Apex started piping up to the Kings of the Pure Scene, we made sure we were ready for today after a week of proper preparation.


We set out with the strongest squad we have ever had, breaking the record of the highest single pull in the history of pure clanning to date. We were ready for the biggest P2P Wilderness Fullout of all time and every FOE member that took part in it today performed at the top level and once again displayed to the entire pure community that FOE is without a doubt, the BEST Pure Clan of all time.



We defended at CA and awaited Apex to rush. When they finally did we turned up the heat and performed brilliantly. The initial part of the fight was so easy that within 10 minutes we had already won the fullout and simply continued the slaughter for the first hour and a half. We had then reduced Apex to rag us because they got slaughtered with their leader returning in 1 item and commanding his members to do the same. The next 6 hours of fighting against Apex in their rag gear and we never once had the mentality of giving up and leaving the fight until they were either fully cleared or left first. After outperforming them with ease, completely wiping the map of every Apex member in sight and being up 100 on them for 7 hours we eventually heard that they decided to invite Vengeance, IR and BP with them in order to have a +100 on us in game again. At that point we dragged the fight south to FOG and made sure we would keep on going for hours and hours until we took the victory.


When Apex realised they were never going to clear us and their attempt to bring in every account and invite they could find wasn't going to work in the long run they tried to run away and we were the last clan standing in the fight.


What kind of a pussy clan gets fucked for 7 hours and then leaves the fight when they have +50 on a cape counter due to multi logging and invites from other clans, without even getting 1/10th of the kills we did.


This is what separates FOE from any other clan with a weak mentality and why we will always be the best. It doesn't matter if every single person in the Pure Community who hates us unites in order to see us fall, we will always come out on top in the end.


FOE pride worldwide.








Posted (edited)


Edited by foe daniel

reminder that me and Danny nsed at gdz for 15 hours and the entirety of clan Apex broke in only 8 hours


my first clan fight, was sick got more kills loot and pk's today than i have all month

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