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70 or 60 Attack?


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I'm debating whether to get 10 more attack levels for a whip.

I'd ultimately be getting 99 in the long-run, but want a whip just for now.

Is it a good move or not?

I'm currently:

60 Attack

82 Strength

1 Defence

80 Range

82 Mage

43 Prayer

73 HP.


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Id say get it if you can afford but its not that great id say get A Gs And get 75 if you can afford but up to you ..

60 always going to be cheaper tho.

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Itz Tragic

Yeah, i would agree, i'm staying 60 att until i can afford an ags, long way off, so dont plan on it soon =)

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I would say 50...

If you're committed to runescape, get 70+ atk and maybe train another account up with 40/50 atk.

If you're not, keep 60 attack

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Id say get it if you can afford but its not that great id say get A Gs And get 75 if you can afford but up to you ..

60 always going to be cheaper tho.


Or wait till you get 90+ str, then get 70+ attack.

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Folk 4 Lif3-Trae

well im 90 atk and i mean i own the fuck outa rune pures but tbh yer guna get raped by tanks less u got vesta i mean sumtimes u get hte lucky hits but most of the time u dnt =/ i mean i personnaly think its worth it but thats just me. :nice:

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why is everyone saying get 70 at 90 + strength, get 70 now then get ss if you can afford, makes training str 10 x easier man

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depends what you like o be, if your gona be strictly melee, 70 might be a good idea, but only with higher str

but if ur wgona hybrid bter off stayin 60, incase u mess up with whip control atk styile with karils bow / msb n stuff like that, :p :victory: hope this helpd

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