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Free Tragedy Pk Vid 1 (berserker)


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Hey guys, finally finished my first vid, has been about 4 months in the making. In the clips I range from 83-90 combat, most of the footage is around Varrock and Edgeville in PvP worlds. There's not as much variety as I hoped for, but with NZ time-zone, most places outside of Varrock are dead at the time I pk (night time). I was hoping to get some void clips but my bank is pretty dead and I'm working on a new account so couldn't really be bothered slaving away at pc for 10 hours+

Music: Dubstep

If you don't like the music, make use of the mute button. I can't cater for everyone's music taste, therefore I catered for my own.

Any comments and CC I will reply to, flame will be ignored.

Enjoy ;)

RSC for anyone who wants +1 post count on their forum: http://forums.zybez.net/topic/1355161-free-tragedy-pking-video-1-berserker/

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Edit: Legit vid, just like your others.

Env dropped twice? L

Benny The Leak LMAO

Am watching ATM =D



Gud pk vid but try to use f keys

and I lol'ed at tht 2 kills in 1 time



Slee, like commented on the vid. You're a legend.  B)


Great pking and hotkeys, But was a bit repetative as it was 10mins, Music was chill.

Nice vid overall.


liked swiches,hotkeys, hmm kinda lame hybriding no offensive soz


:o nice really liked the music  :nice:


sorry i don't give a shit enough about rs to watch a pk vid, but i'm meant to report in, so hi slee  :shifty:


Cheers for the positive comments guys, I'll try and improve on variation in the future. I'm glad people are enjoying it, makes it all worth while ;)


Joe, the first PK vid i've watched in a good 2 years.. Nice job man. You killed ENV 2 times in that vid haha!


Too little variation- try some other things :D?

Good dub though


Didnt realise Slee was a pro, good lad for killin that new kid env


Why do you always rip kids that should own you and get owned by noobs? lol

nice vid bro.


Solid vid mate, you'd be 10x better with f keys though, trust me they are easy to PK with, try it for an hour.


nice vid hybridding good just use F keys and change scenery got a little repetitive


Ooo dubsteb, sounds interesting :).

Gtg now but defo will check later on mate.

Sounds promising and i'm sure u'll amaze me :].


i like it a lot. i love how lots of them are you standing where anyone can attack them, so when you do they talk trash like "should've asked" "fail rush me" "fc AND safer noob" it makes me lol on the inside and gives me a bit of satisfaction to watch you kill them.

on an editing level, its simple, yet nice, not too flashy or anything, and i may not like that kind of music, but it seemed fitting.


awesome vid bro

few comments.

why bring like 200 barrages :O shit costs too much lol

too same same.. next vid slam some d bolts out, mix it up more, can have 100% hybrid, but there is more than 1 style of hybrid, 10 mins of it is nice but lil boring, maybe if you were to do it again literally jus put in the most amazing kos and hits etc so its 6 mins rather than 10

Guest Emote|Muse

Get yourself some more variety in the next one and you'll have a great video.

(not that this one wasn't.)

GJ Slee, and sorry about changing your display name to zammyp00ns83. ;_;

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