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Helltaker100 - Road for a Maxed Tank[UPDATED!]


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I will start off by saying that from now on i will not open new topics, and will only use this one.


Back in the end of '05 me and my irl mate created twins - Helltaker100 & Take me hell.
we started as a low level mage twins for the lulz and pked in low level wild in varrock for few days(was really funny to 2 hit people  ^_^).
after our combat levels & mage levels were too high to do "2 hit ko", we trained ranged to 40, did all f2p quests in like 4 hours and then made both accounts p2p.
we got 40 def and 70 range and started staking, few weeks after that we quit both accounts, and i got back to play on Give me yew and yoav s.
about 16-18 months after that i came back to play on helltaker100, getting range up, trained up to 99 range with 44-45 defence.
after getting ranged up i started to do quests, finished all the quests i needed at that time and got 70 att|str|def, then did f2p bounty hunter for fun and cash.
once i had enough cash i alched to 82 mage and  after alching 99&94 mage(on main and zerker) i decided to use ice burst, got 94 mage and 95 hitpoints from that.
trained to 80 def and quited for around a year(only thing i did was f2p bh).
got back p2p at the end of '09 to get 90 defence and 99 hitpoints


Well, not much to tell here, my goal is to get a maxed tank, which means i will be getting 99 defence and 99 magic.
I plan on getting 99 defence with slayer, which should get me to around 81 slayer, then i will be getting 83 slayer and make some cash for 99 magic.
current stats/goal
Attack 70/70 - completed!
Strength 70/70 - completed!
Prayer 52/52 - completed!
Defence 95/99
Hitpoints 99/99 - completed!
Ranged 99/99 - completed!

Magic 95/99
Summoning 68/68 - completed!(For now)
Slayer 75/83

Here i will be posting any pictures(i don't have the old pictures on this computer :( but if i find any that i think are worth showing i will post them aswell).
I might post pictures from my main account(Yoav_s) because i don't want to open another topic and spam forums :D

Update:Still slaying :) really close to 76 slayer atm, should get it today.
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Thanks for reading :)


Gl with that u gotta be patient lol


First update :D 68 slayer and not far from 92 defence.

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Good luck dude, always been interested in starting a tank.


update #2 :D 92 def now - halfway of 99 (done smoking kills so should have slayer helm soon).

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Gareth l Rare
Wow man, loving it so far and best of luck bro

good work bro. that 99 hp party was rockin.


good work bro. that 99 hp party was rockin.


Update :)

been playing on my main a bit more lately :P

anyways, got 95 magic, 71 slayer and im like 45k from 93 defence - will get that today or tommorow :)

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getting closer to maxed out every day.


Update :) didn't do much this weekend, was cba to mage so just did slayer for the double xp.

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3 weeks vacation coming up soon, and i plan on getting 95 defence/75 slayer during this 3 weeks :)

*played on main aswell this weekend, got 94-97 summon,94 fm,78 rc, 74 agility and 77 hunt, will see if i will get any 99s during the vacation but if i do, it will be either summon,wc or fm.

ya im chase

Wow bro, very nice. So close to maxed :)

Keep going.

  • 2 weeks later...

Long time since last update :P so this update is kinda big  ^_^

First of all, happy 5th Year Annivarsary FOE and the community :)

now, i actually kept slaying and didn't give up(trust me, 70 att and str is 1 big pain when slaying with melee).

Although it's slow, im getting there :)


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^_^  my slayer is not that high but im stating to make a nice profit :D got 2 hexcrest in 2 tasks which made me like 3.6m :D

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^95 defence and 108 p2p combat :D getting there.

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My log from yestrday :D thats my 2nd hexcrest drop and some random kills from bh.

*Also completed my summon goal for now!!!got 40-68 summon and still got blues and like 200 crimsons left :D*

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