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6m getting 1-80 magic?


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Well i think imma make a new pure and just do 1-80 magic and that's it and pk with charge + god spells.

Would 6m be enough to do that? I can stop and do tabs and shit for a little while in between but i really don't want this to be to slow.


Can someone PM me a good way to Xfer. I have like 8-9m on like 3 separate accounts and i'd like to get it all on one. I don't mind buying members for all of them to get the money over.


yes it should be enough, as long as you alch from 55-80

1-55 should be 0gp or less than 1m if you're lazy


Hellz chyeah, if you alch it 82 should cost 5m.


i'll either alch or super heat.


80 magic w/o 80 range is pointless. Atleast sw range if you dont want hp levels.


im at 45 mage with like 2k curse spells so far.... 900 left to do prbably get to 50


I got 82 with less than 2m (cursing mostly) so yeah 6m should be enough


Do dummy cursing bot, 1m for 13-82 magic 32k/hour so takes like 1,5 week


Or you could auto MTA and make roughly 30m

Also has a low ban rate


or you could ignore half of these ppl and do it legit...


Or you could auto MTA and make roughly 30m

Also has a low ban rate

and dummy curser bot is free.

Or you could auto MTA and make roughly 30m

Also has a low ban rate

and dummy curser bot is free.

Yeah but dummy cursor bot has a high ban rate and mta auth's are $5


or you could ignore half of these ppl and do it legit...

Nothing in runescape 2010 is worth doing legit


That should be enough but I would recommend making tabs and air orbs till 80 mage.


anyone got a good way to xfer? I think i'm going to auto alch most of it but not AFK just sit there and talk to people/ watch people fight. And i'll be doing range after words but 80 magic is pretty much number 1 goal. I can do 1-70 range in 2 days so that should be easy.

Just need to xfer over the money.


dude if you find any good xfer methods would you mind pming me? i would seriousely appreciate it.

OT: your best off just botting 19-55 cursing and 55-80 alching.

i only know xfer methods like climbing boots and white berries. which are both shet


or you could ignore half of these ppl and do it legit...

Nothing in runescape 2010 is worth doing legit

no, ass holes like you ruin the game. thats why

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