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Panic Inc PK Vid 3 - 100M+ Risk - Hybriding | Combos | Zuriels - Runescape Pure


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risk was a nice touch but seriously man... ur NH and frankly a shit hybrid.

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nice varrock tabs in bh world r[]fl


Risking wont make u better pker.

I didnt like the vid, why?

- Claw rushing pvp with melee prot on (Its NHing and there is no any risking about that nowadays and also Sw'ed str + claws + low hp)

- Hybriding with overhead on.

Personally i would enjoyed A LOT more with around 400k risking with honor hybriding.



p.s i love ur avatar


nice tabs and overheads nh kid...but overall it was okay 2.5/5


this is one of the best vids ive EVER seen

No X T C 4Me

didnt see much of the risk but v nice vid


sure u risk a lot but u still pray/rush way too much L


never really risk 100m+ though do you.. :/

come back when you got a set of balls to pk with risk without tabs and without overheads on at all times.

Also, if i run into you inthe wild il show you a real hybrid fight unlike these idiots, and it will be gf ep or gf 100m, one or the other.

sorry but, if u were pking with 100m risk like you wouldnt have overheads and tabs? or maybe u dont even gt 100m:S

i dont risk pointlessly.

Wearing a santa to rush is completely pointless.. does nothing.

But hey, if u wanna see pking with d claws and risking all that shit watch my latest vid, no tabs... no prayer.

Then u can get on your knees and start sucking my dick inbetween eating your humble pie.

suck your dick? fuck you you gay

He's the one whose dick you'll be sucking, so you'll be the gay one here


this is one of the best vids ive EVER seen

Are you blind or something?


suck your dick? fuck you you gay

theres nothing gay about getting your dick sucked

you're the one gay for sucking his dick

in fact

it creeps me out just being around you faggot

Bows 0n Fire

suck your dick? fuck you you gay

theres nothing gay about getting your dick sucked

you're the one gay for sucking his dick

in fact

it creeps me out just being around you faggot

Hey there Big Bob


LOL anybody can pay goldfarmers for items and NH people for gp's, nothing special.


I hope you like extra mayo


Wait this was a pk video?

lucky hit3r

Wait this was a pk video?

I think so... Not quite sure.

best thread on foe-rums.. i nominate thee oh great panic inc


Nice combo's , Nice vid.

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