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World of Warcraft (Vanilla) Discussion Thread


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World of Warcraft announced at Blizzcon the release of 'Vanilla'


The release will be this summer, and I know many of you will be playing.


What class/race will you be choosing? 


I'll be playing the superior Undead Rogue


Might go Troll Rouge... undecided 


only ever played in cata would be nice to try vanilla. I'd probably make a horde character.

6 minutes ago, Austin said:

Might go Troll Rouge... undecided 

I hate u


6 minutes ago, Old Friends said:

only ever played in cata would be nice to try vanilla. I'd probably make a horde character.

Definitely make a horde toon!


friendly reminder, alliance players are banned from commenting.

23 minutes ago, Remy said:

no foe will be playing on alliance

This ^


But I actively hardcore raid now so I will probably just fuck around on classic. I made a Tauren Shaman as my first character back in BC so I might do that again, who knows atm. Could just do the same race as all my wow buds if we mess around on it.




Probably a shadow priest not sure which faction yet though undecided 


troll shammy or orc shaman dunno yet


I'll never waste even an hour of my summer with playing a game like Wow, but hf! 

Posted (edited)


Edited by ceZa
7 hours ago, Steve said:

absolute shit game.

It was good back in the day but now it's just meh. 


Didn't play it then, won't play it now. Activison is just trying to syphon as much cash as possible from wow. 


undead mage until the hype dies and everyone realises that vanilla WoW was a chore at best

Posted (edited)

I have been playing vanilla a lot on p servers lately. Got r14 on nost and currently r12 on northdale. I will most likely start on the same server as my guild not sure if we are going horde or ally yet.

Edited by Psycho

Undead mage ... DM:E farm all day

Magic Sushi

Undead mage or nelf druid we'll see where the winds take me

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