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16th March 2019 f2p Trip


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I really dont know where to start. It was good at falador but when apex decided to listen to rot at gdz, we had like 70-80 at the start and many many of us left. It was still chill, litteraly FOE vs APEX + ROT. We didnt fall, we didnt lose and most importantly, we didnt BREAK. The time here in Sweden is 00:02 atm and im editing this topic right after the trip ended. 3+ hrs, foe vs 2 clans and rot is 1 of them. We just focused on attacking apex, making them quit and end their trip. Im just saying tho im still an applicant, im really proud of the few of us that was left all the 3 hrs and stood up and honored the name of FOE. Most of u might say i've still been at foe for 2 weeks etc. But thats how I work, when I join a clan, im loyal to that clan. At the very end they ran into maze (east of gdz) and stayed dd north. Apex under rot and rot attacking us and protecting apex. Almost forgot to mention the 60s also attacking us. We didnt break we still returned for 3 HOURS, Outnumbered in both opts and amount of clans vs FOE. They really started dropping Foe team capes on the ground at maze to take pics and say foe defeated, but hello..wait? We are right here. And we didnt even wear team 30 capes (foes teamcape). We had team 38 capes. At the last the leaders decided to regroup at gdz to see if apex are still here, but no, was full of ROT members and apex ended. I have many screenshots explaing what i just wrote, please watch them and thank you everyone who stayed till the end, respect ❤️  






the funniest thing was me saying ''rot'' and an apex name. and rot followed the pile =] 










came on my mian for a while in full rune







heres where we went to gdz at the very end, no signs of apex






Props, also sorry for poking you that, I was just a bit too much in the moment  ?


l0l i knew there was extra estrogen in the water in sweden


winning topic


l0l this guy got the juice

2 hours ago, Lawi said:

 And we didnt even wear team 30 capes (foes teamcape). We had team 38 capes.



15 minutes ago, intu said:


rod kill fo members

3 hours ago, intu said:


I think he's saying apex/rot were dropping team-30 capes for propoganda while we weren't even in that cape. 


Apec bitchboys quoted what you just wrote on their forums, justa few min after you made this topic somehow.. Nice to see your opinion, but why would you write that we didn't even wear our own t cape? ?

11 hours ago, Utc said:

my nigga ❤️



11 hours ago, Danny said:



11 hours ago, hate em said:

danny is braindead 


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