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Well today in class my teacher told us someone stole his iPod. Instantly I knew who did it and was talking about it with another friend when the teacher overheard and told me I had to tell him at the end of class. Well I had to tell him who did it... I feel awful like a fucking rat. Do you think I did the right thing? The kid who stole it is kinda my friend (smoked with him and chill before) but he's not a close friend. Idk I'm kinda stressed cause he told me that he saw the teachers iPod one time and was think bout stealing it. He's stolen countless of iPod and shit too. Idk someone help me out..

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Hmm, awkward situation indeed. Why on earth did you speak about it when the teacher was near anyway?

But yeah, it's his own fault. He probably will get kicked out of school, right? If that's so just try to stay away from him, but when the day comes you and him meet again, don't show any mercy and make him bleed.

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You did the right thing bro. Honestly. No, I'm not a rat, it's the truth. What I think you're dealing right now is a conscience due to a role conflict; the guy is kind of your friend, you've hung out with him before, you've chilled with him before, and now you feel as if you betrayed him by bringing attention to his wrong doing. Do you think it's normal to steal iPods and other people's electronics? Would you yourself go out and steal people's belongings for selfish benefit? Honestly there's no other explanation to your problem than that your actions were justified, and if this proclaimed friend of yours was a friend he'd understand your concern. Your teacher has an iPod; if he's anything like my LVV teacher then he trusts you guys enough to listen to his iPod while we're writing tests/doing homework. He obviously trusts you enough to use his iPod without having a fear of getting it stolen.

Now if he was a good friend of yours it becomes a whole new scenario. Then what I would have recommended to do is to comfortably confront him and tell him that you witnessed the act and felt that it was wrong, and maybe try and reason with him or her. That's my two cents.

Now, as a safety precaution, it's best that you tell your teacher or authority figure that you want to remain anonymous; I know kids who've been stabbed/had their houses egged/had their tires slashed due to similar circumstances.

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Damn thanks alot D72 that helped a lot. You too wytchcraft. I'm assuming that he will deny it after that what else can they do it's probably sold anyway.

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i knew a gut that stole someone's wallet then told me about it. when i was asked if i knew anything by the guy that lost it, i told him what happened, he brought me with him to school officials and i told them, and the guy i knew was expelled.

im not about to lie and cover someone's ass if they're stupid enough to steal something. im not going to go out of my way to rat someone out, but im not about to lie for you. they need to be taught a lesson about stealing while they're able to be taught

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im just messing with you man, u did the right thing. as long as they arent your friend, you dont gotta watch out for them.

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Why not? Besides you and ultra everyone elses helped me out a lot.

Creamiee is nothing but a troll, and ultra is quite funny and helpful at times.

But I agree with everyone else. You did the right thing.

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Bows 0n Fire

Ask yourself, would he cover for you if you were the one that was doing the bad stuff?Ā  If the answer is no, or if you don't even know enough to reach an answer, turn that faggot in.Ā  From the looks of it you had it right.

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Snitches get stitches, keep your mouth shut and act like you didn't know/see shit. (Don't mean to sound rude ;)) but no one likes a snitch.

I'm pretty sure he would get in trouble if he didn't say anything therebefore, fuck the thief and snitch him out.
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Spittles (Old School)

Nice one snitch.

On a serious note, you should be keeping that shit on the down low. But seeing as he overheard you (thought you should of tried to sweet talk him saying something like 'Oh we were thinking of who would actually be the one to steal it' or something to that extent) Seeing as you already narked on the kid you pretty much can't do anything now. It was the right thing to so don't get me wrong but that was harsh to snitch on someone so easily. Most you can do now is if the kid doesn't know you snitched on him just don't mention anything but if he does know talk to your teacher and tell him that you want yourself to be anonymous.

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