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Ahh Suck It - Runescape Pvp/Bh - A Legend Is Born


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RSN:  Ahh Suck It

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Warning:I'm a Soul War's Prod Mauler


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This is my First ever pvp pking video, edited with Sony Vegas, sorry for the noob editing first time using. Please rate,comment, subscribe. Its appreciated.

At the moment I'm working on 99 strength and 94 mage. So most likely after those goals are complete vid 2 will be out.[/font]

Also watch in HQ.


Fix please.

Gage-Nz Bloods

dont like ot sorry but i like 50 attk :D


It was okay. Not a fan of the lame Granite Maul though


Yea =/  i get that alot ^

Y4nk33 D33s

pretty nice vid

We Go H4rd
Pretty nice vid. I liked the song but that song wasnt meant for that vid lol it felt like i was just listening to music instead of the music going with the vid:P

Didnt like the music, thought it was crap because you had maybe 3 proper fights in it and the rest were rushes, with tabs.


Wow, pretty decent editing in the beginning

Teh Maullers

Nice job.  I used to be a mauler myself ;o 


lol i liked the pirate's music after that it got bad.


thank you for critizim im not really big on "rock" music so i have no clue on what to use


Needs more hp. lol


thank you for critizim im not really big on "rock" music so i have no clue on what to use

Same bro, you shoulda stuck with the music ya like, hate peeps that chuck in an overused rock song to make peeps like them..

None the less good vid.

Hip hop / RnB next time bro.


dont like NH sorry :victory:


a lot of edits for a bunch of maul rushes.

5tup1d ch0ob

not a bad intro..... but I don't like maul rushers. takes no skill.

Its zeh noob

Hate it. Rated 1/5 on Yt; its all rushing and the name fails.


you spec slow lol, they have time to eat on your first hit. thats not the intention when mauling :p

nice stats, ugly food n tabs lol. pretty gud editing, but kinda boring coz its repetetive, nubed, and NH, a few very long clips.

but yeah nice stats n hits.

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