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The First Pure


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I think the first ever pure/hybrid was made by a person who loved biology. The other day I was in Biology and we were talking about genes and those squares where you seen if the gene would be recessive or dominant or whatever and the words that came up were pure and hybrid. Pure being a "zz, or ZZ" so he may have thought pure range or something, and hybrid being "Zz" on the squares and he may have thought hybrid and mage. So do you guys think that the first pure was thought up by someone in Biology class?


No, it was some really bored guy who was like, yo I just pk in monk robes anyways, why train my defense?


and on that note



No, it was some really bored guy who was like, yo I just pk in monk robes anyways, why train my defense?




Probably not, I was around in classic when pures really hit the scene and I can say without a doubt the real allure was being low combat hitting high, because of the 3 round rule. The higher you could hit at a lower level meant exponentially increasing your ability to kill people.

Since in classic all melee weapons were the same speed, 40 attack was the most common choice for pures as they could use a r2h and pretty much fuck up everyone's day. It is interesting though that your biology class sparked this train of thought.

Just FYI about pures in classic; the term pure while I do not know its actual origin(aside from pure strength), traditionally meant that the players hitpoints were above the combat level. Also, if you want to see the difference between classic and rs2,

40 attack 99 strength 31 prayer in classic = 61 combat, hitting the max in f2p (31? I believe)

40 attack 99 strength 31 prayer in rs2 = 71 combat, but then could also (without leveling hitpoints) attain 94 magic and range, without increasing combat any more. In classic, magic and range were HUGE combat level raisers, and neither trained hitpoints.

Weed <3


I could not.. Care less.


Just a fun fact, no need to player hate nam sayin?

Bows 0n Fire

This is quite possibly the most retarded thing I have ever seen on these forums.

yuu die now

im guessing the guy hu made the first pure figured less defence = more str maybe itl be good but tbh nobody is reli bothered lol

Creamie pies

Dont give a fuck.


Silly, runescape was invented before biology, hence making your statement impossible. 

I Xx Xx Xx I

lol no.

Most pures usually had letter_letter_letter_letter or

I word I

as their names to begin with.


Lol u definately thought that one over a little bit too much to be fair.




lol no.

Most pures usually had letter_letter_letter_letter or

I word I

as their names to begin with.

double letters and the I's

Very original ele

Ya i am Good

it was probably some really poor guy who was like i can welfare and kill people


Forget dominant/recessive. It's more like imprinted genes because I doubt pures really emerged from some guy having an epiphany in biology class...

Creamie pies

Forget dominant/recessive. It's more like imprinted genes because I doubt pures really emerged from some guy having an epiphany in biology class...


I learned about that last semester Get with IT!

severed arow

That thing about hybriding doesn't make sense as the recesive gene that you said was Mage wouldn't do anything as it is recesive and no ones that sad to think like that


my first pure was Zz C A L Zz made in 02, coincedence i think not, i love biology!

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