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account builds (question)


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Posted (edited)

Hi all, so I currently have; Able (60 attack 1 defence pure), Inable (max main 70 prayer) and multiple half-way there/failed pures. I know people will probably just use this for post count but I am looking for some ideas, I don't see where I can go with my accounts from here (apart from maxing the main but I don't really enjoy mains all too much).


If you had to make a new account what kind of build would it be and why?


Edit: Would people still make iron man accounts / are they fun?

* the game seems a bit stale to me but making an ironman pure would be so limiting (no tormented/torture/anguish)

Edited by Able

But what I have for my builds 

60att 1 def


75att 75pray 13def

60att 45def 

and its allll fun 


If I were to make a new acc cause 12 accounts isnt enough I’d make maxed pure with 75 attack & 99 prayer (93combat) best account for clanning scene. Good for weekends and good in clan wars aswell.

also ironman would be pretty fun but going dry at bosses and shit doesnt sound fun to me. 

43 minutes ago, Able said:

I know people will probably just use this for post count



60 attack piety pure is pretty sick to be fair



21 minutes ago, Yentll said:


are they actually fun?


I have an ironman, which is sick btw, a 75 att maxed 1 defence, a half done 60 att zerk, a main and im currently building a 13 defence baby pure.. honestly the best account you can build is a self sufficient one. make another pure account and go completely from scratch. every drops worth something, shit 100k pk's are decent and help towards better gear etc. nothing better than rebuilding

1 hour ago, Able said:

are they actually fun?

ironmen are super fun mate, look up   lron no0dle (L not I) dwh done zulrah complete mate its so fun

3 hours ago, JNI said:

60atak 75def 77pray da best build


13 hours ago, Able said:

are they actually fun?

Ye lol


Rigour range tank

75 Att pure 88cb


are both good for most brackets


Depends on your preference and how much cash you have to blow. I haven't played a main in years so I always stick with 1 def. When I had a zerk I enjoyed it though. My account rn is 75 att/75 pray nearly maxed. Pretty fun and useful account imo. 90 cb so I can still avoid some mains depending on how high of wildy I'm in. 75 Prayer pretty OP for anti-smite and clanning. 75 att is fun too as long as you can afford to buy plus 1's again on the off chance you do get smited or forget to prot item

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