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Me nerding


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ok so i recently sold my bank to get 94-97 mage and 91-97 rng so i started nerd out mage (yes i did autoklik like 20k/36.6k alchs) i dont rly care about all you ppl that gona go 'omfg nerd botter' chek all my other stats that i did legit then its just i had a great acc friends my cmb etc then u get hacked bank droped and def not quested etc and u have to start a lvl 3... and then u see evrybody botting makes u wanna bot yourself so ye on my acc hunt and most my mage is autoklicked. anyway here you go:

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after this i started chining my ranged :p

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reached 1.9m rng xp in a day i had half day of school and like whent out for 4 hours play football =) ^

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#3 )= sad nerds above me :p

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i whent afk get a snack quickly but thing is my leg is twisted so i do like 1 step each 5 min as soon as i came back i saw 0 hp 0 pray then i ran back but ye fml 3 min grave didnt make it

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meh i rly cba chin more now so ima stop now 97 mage 95 rng =)

think ima do like 82-84 str maybe or just get 83 and go pk lol nerded to much:p


Nice maining!

92 fm was also botted people!


Gratz but u shouldnt afk at skeles without ring of life


why didnt you save chinning until xp weekend.. anyways gratz


why didnt you save chinning until xp weekend..

Why do you think. All the spots will be full.

Gj pal.


Nice maining!

92 fm was also botted people!

fu no

at0mic skill

Magic isn't really an acheivement, but gratz on the range though.


Nerddyyy, time 2 focus pking now :)


Nice job kid

Spittles (Old School)

Nicely done, sucks about dying man.


gratz, and a bit guttingn on the chins.


Question: how long did it take you to get like 90-95? w/ chins, and how many chins did u use? :[]


if your legs twisted how did you play football for 4 hours

Adam | LayDown

how many chins did u lose?


'grats and damn, nice account you've got there. I still remember when we were the same combat, etc. :). I've stopped playing now though, haven't played for a long time. GOODLUCK ON EVERYTHING, Maining! - Indeed Ftw [brandon]


sexy account ;)


good shit

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