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15 hours ago, Hope said:

Looking back on your beginning years of Runescape.. 

what is the "noobiest" thing you did when you began playing the game? 


For me.. collecting the chaos runes at mossies for 6-7 hours straight to afford full rune lmao 



collecting runes at wildy castle with IRL friends while on speakerphone on home lines to avoid pkers

getting perm muted for telling some pleb i would throw 'jewish throwing stars' at his ass for stealing my mossies in varrock sewer

wcing mages for countless hours w/ the w88 homies just to chill 


Pking in the wild with just an apron and a bow + arrows


actually typing my password thinking it would be censored, then freaking out really bad logging out really quick going to runescape.com on dial up internet logging into my account and changing the password while having a mental breakdown

40 minutes ago, ubermensch said:

Pking in the wild with just an apron and a bow + arrows


actually typing my password thinking it would be censored, then freaking out really bad logging out really quick going to runescape.com on dial up internet logging into my account and changing the password while having a mental breakdown

wait wtf lmao

9 hours ago, ceZa said:

Asking ppl to get me to new cities for a big fee in return, which ended up in me logging straight after I got to the location. Talking about scamming people.. 

this is gold l0l

57 minutes ago, GIGGS said:

train my melees on my alt in the white portal

i did this too for a straight month 

14 minutes ago, Hope said:

wait wtf lmao

lmao I was in 5th grade at the time, total noob and gullible. my friends and I used to share an account and we'd always change the password on each other and shit too lol


Eh i ran around for hours looking for gear to full every slot in my armour cos i thought i would finish the game lmfao



Also mined coal untill i could afford full rune


Oh yea i remember i killed green drags in chaos tunnels for a month or so for a bgs to flex to my irl friends just to get hacked the day after for it.


That day i smashed my moms pc l0l 


Killed lv 2 men in Al Kharid for hours to make my first 1k gp

Then I went to Varrock and bought blue wizards hat for 500-600 gp. Thought I was hot shit.




Also my irl friends and I didn’t know there different worlds. We were both standing in the same spot in Varrock, but couldn’t see each other and were confused as fuck.


Almost got ditch lured for a Santa. Luckily, I didn't get tb'd and remembered I had a glory on at the last minute.  Had about 10 hp and poisoned and the noob followed me to Draynor. 


This was back in the day where you couldn't just take all your items off and bank during the interface or search for your items (my bank was probably a mess, so I couldn't find food or anti pots quickly). So I remember in a panic trying to manually deposit all the seeds I was selling and then taking my armour/santa off and then banking them rushed.






Training all 70s melee stats at varock dungeon for years.


gave my passward to the homie in 5th grade and he stole all my mith armor 

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