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As Member of FOE... here's a Message for Outrageeopir


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As Member of Final Ownage Elite


Every f2p event, you will be dealt with. Final Ownage Elite is undefeated in rivalries we don't off...


Jamz - you are so hesistant to actually fight us, it's unbelieveable...

All that bullshit talk about 13-0 and you can't even stand up in a rivalry 



Just remember who won last rivalry, don't come crawling back into foe ts when i'm done taking deadweight outrage clan *spit*




fudog is going to kill your clan and there is nothing you can do about it


the fudog has spoken


Fr fr cuh i brought fudog to foe.... gratz sliq

22 minutes ago, GIGGS said:

fudog is going to kill your clan and there is nothing you can do about it



Fudog is 21-0 in rivalries btw 


Fudog out here single handedly out here closing this dogshit clan. Gettem boi


Might as well close, Fudog doesn't off

Fr on gang cuh fr fr 


Probably the worst lead clan I have ever seen, it’s embarrassing to consider them as a ‘rival’ ☠️

1 hour ago, Isaak said:

outrage is dead lmfaoo my boy fudog


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