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Pure Community META to be shit


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[10:45 PM]Zany:

the META is clans dont recruit , dont train , dont improve , dont want to compete PERIOD init @rem

[10:46 PM]rem:


[10:46 PM]rem:

its the "meta"

[10:46 PM]rem:

the "meta" is to pull 40 and be shit

[10:48 PM]Break:

the meta is everyone pull the same


you should pulll 40 sometime its fun down here <- PTSD AT THE HANDS OF FOE DOES THIS TO YOU.

[10:48 PM]Break:

and not care a bout fighting the one clan who overpulls by 20

[10:48 PM]Zany:

we dont have trip topics and outpull you by 30

[10:49 PM]Zany:

we dont pk anymore

[10:49 PM]Zany:

and outpull you by 30  FACTS BTW

[10:49 PM]Zany:

let that sink in

[10:49 PM]Break:

because foe has a pool of 200+ inactive players to recruit from once peopel start pulling similar to them  LMFAO?

[10:49 PM]Break:

so you just send an emal out and continue to overpull

[10:49 PM]Break:

there's literally no point

[10:49 PM]Break:

everyones fine fighting at the same opts down at 40 

[10:50 PM]Break:

carried by a 13 year old legacy/forum and the youtube channel THIS ISNT 2009-12 BUDDY WAHH MORE EXCUSES

[10:50 PM]Break:

you have well over 200 inactive people and there's no doubt some of them would try runescape again MORE EXCUSES

[10:50 PM]Break:

or come back

[10:58 PM]Break:

foe can literally send an emout out to 1k+ people 200+ to 1k+ ????? LMFAO WTF IS THIS GUY SMOKING

[10:58 PM]Sandra:

200 is a lot though

[10:58 PM]Break:

if you don't think you can send out an email and bring back old members EXCUSES

[10:58 PM]rem:


[10:58 PM]rem:

fi tried this actually

[10:58 PM]rem:

in january

[10:58 PM]rem:

the start of the year

[10:59 PM]rem:

they tried reachinig out to a ton of old members TRUE FACT FI TRIED A MASS FORUM PM AND PULLED 40

[10:59 PM]Crafted:

Nobody cares enough to compete with Foe in the autism olympics lmao this guy had a mental breakdown when rage opened and sup lost 40 members + leadership staff who carried them to thier highest peaks BTW LMFAO


[10:59 PM]Crafted:

                                                                                         whats the point of massing to pull 70 LMFAO WHEN YOU LOSE 3/4 OF YOUR PULL CUZ A WHOLE CLAN LEFT YOU.


[11:03 PM]Break:

why would anyone care about competing for #1  does this only apply as an excuse when the clan you join isn't competing?

[11:03 PM]Break:

competing for anything in the wilderness is worthless EXCUSE ?

[11:04 PM] Crafted: Foe is so trash nowadays its unreal  5years of SUP "legacy clan" and my win/loss ratio is 300:6
[11:04 PM] Crafted: shame what its become  PREP US 30V30 + whatever invites u wanna bring BOOST MY WIN RATIO


[11:12 PM] TYENDINAGA: pure clanning was literally the healthiest it's been from a competition standpoint when foe was getting camped by rot LMFAO WE GAVE THIS GUY PTSD SO BAD DOWN THE YEARS HES FUCKED IN THE HEAD LADS !


[11:12 PM]Break: if foe closed the pure scene literally wouldn't change  TOO RIGHT YOU'LL STILL ALL BE SHIT AND PULL 40.

[11:14 PM] Dirtyko: foe pulls because of their name <- this LY guy doesnt realise we pulled 40 for 6 months due to eop using 100 mains.







[11:21 PM]Bacon: all clans are just focusing on their "community" when they dont even have a community l0l









nobody wants to compete with the best. it is normal beta behavior to "settle" in any aspect of life.


dno who break is but he a bitch

24 minutes ago, reverb said:

the META is just logging out



Stopped reading at the meta should be everyone pulling the same.


Weekend trips are not preps.


Lmao when they say you dogfo but they all just dogclans 


foe #1 forever -fact

27 minutes ago, GIGGS said:

dno who break is but he a bitch

Some sharkbrew discord hall monitor who's a +1 in rage


Its stressful being #1. :L 


and outpull you by 30  FACTS BTW

[10:49 PM]Zany:

let that sink in


Low IQ leaderships


Not sure what’s going on in the clan world politically, but I enjoyed the color scheme here.


They're in denial.


They can't honestly say that they'd rather be in their current position than ours right now. They're basically saying they aspire to be shit.


PREP US 30V30 + whatever invites u wanna bring BOOST MY WIN RATIO

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