Share Charms Posted March 7, 2010 Posted March 7, 2010 Hey everyone :victory: I thought I'd share with you what I'm up to on Runescape, on my soon to be "Pro Summoning Tank" lol :wub: Whenever I update my blog, I will reply to this thread notifying you that I have made an update. I will also modify the "Description" of the title saying that I have made an update. Please note: All future blog posts will be added onto this page, and not as a reply. (This is so it's easier to read :rolleyes:) Account Status Original username: Bellindah Display name: Share Charms To help you keep track you can use this to see where you're up to :nice: Entry 0 - Introduction Entry 1 - Moo! Entry 2 - Say Moo And Die! Entry 3 - Proud Rune Owner Entry 4 - War of the Souls Entry 5 - We Run This Town Entry 6 - D is for Dragon Entry 7 - Partying Pays Entry 8 - Quick Update Entry 9 - Success Entry 10 - Not Released --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last Updated: Taking week break - March 17, 2010 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blog Title: Introduction As the title says, I am in the training period of creating a Summoning Tank. For those who don't know what that is, it is a very powerful account that makes use of a high Defence and Summoning level. :o For those that are thinking this is a waste of time, you're probably right. But it's a new Runescape experience in a way, and will be fun as well as challenging. But the main reason that anyone would make an account like this is for the ultimate PvP experience, whether it be Pking or a safe minigame. To put it into a perspective for you, you could be a level 25+7 in Bounty Hunter (32 Combat), with 75 Defence, and 60 Summoning. Provided you were wealthy enough, you could use a Dragonfire Shield, combined with a Summoning Familiar, to down a common pure, with 1 Defence and say 60 Ranged ;D It's sort of hard to explain, so I posted a video of a Summoning Tank Pking below to help you understand their true power :omg: Wow I'm rambling on :victory: The hardest part about training a Summoning Tank is gathering charms and training when your max hit is 1 :whistle: But I'm sure I'll end up playing Soul Wars or something when the Exp is too high :p I hope I have your entire support in this very difficult process, lol :wow: Although I am only low level, and f2p at the time of posting this blog, it is still a slow process :nice: I'll try to keep you updated with 'big' levels and achievements, thanks and enjoy my blog. <3 Here's a video that shows a well developed Summoning Tank Pking :) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blog Title: Moo! Ohk, my first blog about what I've done today on my account! :nice: An ever so exciting day in the world of F2p, a few friends (one also a future Summoning tank) and myself tackled the almighty Cockroach Soldier!! *Scary music :wow:* Our main reason for this was to try and get some wealth flowing into our newish poor accounts (using Lootshare), seeing as we rarely hit a 1, rofl :) Somehow after hours of killing the Cockroaches, we only saw 1 Rune Scimitar drop, that one of my friends got (n) However I'd like to thank everyone that was there helping us out ;) We still managed to make around 80k each, which is great for starting out :) Here's a noob sniping the drop of the day B) Other than attempting to make money, Harley and I were killing a variety of things for exp, such as monks, cows and even each other at Duel Arena :o Even as I type this I'm owning cows with my Iron Scimitar :wow: See. Also today I attended my home clan's Fist of Guthix event, was quite fun, but a lot harder to win with my stats :P I didn't manage to get any pictures of the event. Other than that, there's not much else going on at the moment. I'm trying to get 40 Defence F2p, before I consider getting membership. But I'll see how that goes, as I slowly progress :o Here's a quick insight to my bank value and stats, aswell as the ownage gear I use to drop Cows :shifty: Also note, at the time of this post I am 15 Combat :o Also leveled Defence 3 times today, from 32-35, almost 36 now B) (Trust me, takes much longer than you think :o) That's it for today mostly, hope to see you reading my next blog, baiii :) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blog Title: Say Moo And Die! Mhmmm blog two, already :omg: Still slaughtering cows with my Iron Scimitar! Today I got level 38 Defence, 28 Hitpoints and 17 Combat ;) 3 more till I can enter a PvP world, woot! ^_^ And also 2 Defence levels till I can wear the almighty Rune armour! Nothing more really to what I did on Runescape today (n) Once I hit 40 Defence, I'll be most likely making money for Rune armour, and then getting membership :p That's when it will get more interesting, thanks for reading baii :) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blog Title: Proud Rune Owner After killing cows for several days, I have finally got 40 Defence! And purchased some Rune armour (what I could afford at least :p) Here's me getting 40 Defence B) Oh the benefits of 40 Defence at 17 Combat ;) And my new gear :) Currently I'm making money lootsharing cockroaches, but may get membership very soon ;) Till next time, Aaron. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blog Title: War of the Souls Well it's official I am a member! B) B) B) Also I couldn't handle the 12 year olds hitting on me, so I changed my character to a guy and re-named him to "Share Charms" :p These pics and levels were before the "Make over" ;) This is me about to face the dreaded Wolpertinger in the "Wolf Whistle" quest :( Look how brave I am :) I completed a couple more quests that day, which you can see here (Adventure Log) :ph43r: And I guess you can already tell, I got 18 Summoning too :D That is just from quest rewards, Exp lamps and finding Penguins. I still have 275 Gold Charms banked from Wolf Whistle quest :) Here's the level up. ;) After getting some of the questing and training out of the way, I decided to make some money (not much, but around 350k). To do this I spawned Red Spider Eggs using a Spirit Spider and Egg Spawn scrolls. I'd also suggest this for lower levels to make money, it virtually makes money out of nothing and is around 200k profit/hr :p Here's what that looked like o.O I also attended a large drop party, worth 115m! This is what was in the chest, but I got nothing :( -Saradomin Godsword -Bandos Chestplate -Bandos Tassets -Dragon Boots -2m Coins -And a few smaller things ^_^ Currently I'm aiming for roughly 50 Defence and I'm going to stay 30Hp until I get 50+ Defence. I'm Soul Warring 40-50 Defence, which will take roughly 45 Zeal. Once I hit 50 Defence I'll be 20 Combat in a PvP World (not including Summoning). I'll most likely then make some more money, whether that be 76king, Target kills or spawning more eggs ;) Then I hope to get around 60 Summoning to be able to own most level 20 targets :lol: So that's what I'm working on at the moment. Hope you enjoyed this edition of my blog, Aaron. Oh, here is a picture of me waiting to get into this Soul Wars game (n) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blog Title: We Run This Town Haii B) Sorry I haven't blogged in a few days, computer broke then we had to fix it the next day. Plus I've been working, etc. Oh by the way, ignore my blog title for this chapter.. I was listening to a song and typed it as I heard it :p Ok, since last time I have leveled up quite a bit I think. :wow: Here's my current Defence level after Soul Warring for a while. This is my current Summoning level after two rounds of penguins, and using 275 Gold Charms from Wolf Whistle quest. I hope to be 30+ very soon for enchanted Rune Full Helm ^_^ Currently my combat level is 21+3 in a PvP world. I also tried out Pking, and have three Pks as of this blog :p Here's my first lucky target kill (how's the pro loot B)) I'm going to be Soul Warring to 60 Defence and maybe raise Constitution from 300 to 350/400. After that I'll make some money, and raise Summoning :) Till next time, Aaron. :o --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blog Title: D is for Dragon Basically I was typing a very detailed blog for this entry then somehow lost it (n) So what have I been doing lately? I got around 75 Zeal and achieved 60 Defence at 23+3 Combat :wow: Here are my current stats :o Here's my gear I wear at the moment, until I get 70+ Defence :) Currently I'm lootsharing Cockroaches for Charms and drops. I plan to gather charms and money until the double exp weekend to gain a lot of exp :D I will also do World 60 Penguins tonight for more Summoning exp :) Till next time, Aaron. B) Ps. Guess its worth throwing in that I got 30 Summoning :) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blog Title: Partying Pays Ok, possibly one of the most account affecting things happened in Runescape today for me. I was Coinsharing KBD with a few friends for an hour or so, got some charms and about 125k in items dropped. Then as I teled to Varrock, I died to poison and appeared in Lumbridge :angry: Soon after my friends blessed my grave, and I was able to claim everything back. As I went to bank, to re-gear... My friends said in clan chat "54M drop party in 9 Minutes" :omg: So we all went to the Falador Party Room, and in the chest was something like, 30m GP, and 3k Raw and 3k Cooked Rocktails (I think) B) This is how it turned out... :ph43r: (Picture has been edited to include the most important things :)) Lol, High-Definition balloon popping wins again B) I was pretty surprised when I saw I got 21m, I sort of just stood there for a bit, then walked out and got spam traded :whistle: Oh, and the other items in my inventory is my KBD loot. This is what I bought, with about 3m leftover. I am currently at Soul Wars lol, so that explains the cape. And on the topic of Soul Wars, I am gathering around 120 Zeal for 60 - 70 Defence. This should take me 3 days at max, and then I'll buy Barrows. :p I also got 33 Summoning, and I'm about to do Penguins now for even more exp. I hope you enjoyed reading my latest blog entry, stay tuned for more B) Aaron. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blog Title: Quick Update As you all know I am Soul Warring 60 to 70 Defence at the moment. ;) Here's a quick update so you know where I'm at :) This is me spending my first ever lot of 100 Zeals :) Oh and here's my latest Summoning level, love World 60 Penguins :) (80 exp - 36 also :wow:) Currently I am 29 Combat (25+4), and have just passed the halfway mark of my objective! B) Thanks for reading this quick update, I hope to be 70 Defence by tomorrow at the latest. And then buy Barrow's armour, and lootshare some charms. Aaron <3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blog Title: Success After about a week of training, I hit a milestone ;) And here is my new hot gear ;) With the release of the Bonus Exp Weekend, I really couldn't do too much. Seeing as I only had around 40 Charms, and Defence is still faster at Soul Wars :ph43r: So I decided to Woodcut, got 56 :D While woodcutting for the little time that I was, I was very lucky to receive a Raven Egg from a Bird's Nest, and also get two Strange Rocks :) But I still need 50 Summoning to even use it :p As well as all of that, I have got 39 Summoning and 39 Constitution ^_^ Currently I'm lootsharing charms at Cockroaches, and training Summoning as I go. Oh, I have also made a new signature. As well as posting them all here to show my progress so far :D Really shows how far I've come :) Till next time, Aaron. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Share Charms Posted March 7, 2010 Author Posted March 7, 2010 Sum tanks are so usless. sorryIf you can kill someone with them barely hitting on you, is it useless?Plus, I wanted to do it for something different. :ph43r:
Indeed Posted March 7, 2010 Posted March 7, 2010 Goodluck on everything, but the blog thingy is a bad idea imo. You should upload the pictures here.
Adam|Note Posted March 7, 2010 Posted March 7, 2010 If you're gonna do a progression thread post updates here, not on another website.
`Stef Posted March 7, 2010 Posted March 7, 2010 If you're gonna do a progression thread post updates here, not on another website.
Share Charms Posted March 7, 2010 Author Posted March 7, 2010 Lol even Foe have their share of trolls :o And it's not like it's that hard to click the link and read. And if you don't like that, just don't view this thread. :victory:
Share Charms Posted March 7, 2010 Author Posted March 7, 2010 good luck but summ tanks are shit lolThanks B)But is a Summoning Tank really as bad as you make it out to be? I understand that this is obviously a pure forum, where everyone is going to stand up for the account type that they have made. But if you were say 75 Defence with 45 Hp and 75+ Summoning at a total of around 35 Combat, wouldn't that beat a Pure with 1 Defence and a variety of stats around 40? I beat pures now just using poison, rofl :mellow: Bring on the trolls :wub:
Steroids Posted March 7, 2010 Posted March 7, 2010 Yeh maybe they are good at lvl 30.. It gets old mate.
`Mike Posted March 7, 2010 Posted March 7, 2010 good luck but summ tanks are shit lolThanks B)But is a Summoning Tank really as bad as you make it out to be? I understand that this is obviously a pure forum, where everyone is going to stand up for the account type that they have made. But if you were say 75 Defence with 45 Hp and 75+ Summoning at a total of around 35 Combat, wouldn't that beat a Pure with 1 Defence and a variety of stats around 40? I beat pures now just using poison, rofl :mellow: Bring on the trolls :wub: Nah just staying 35 combat and standing around for hours waiting for targs to annoy but never kill isnt really my cup of tea :P
Creamie pies Posted March 7, 2010 Posted March 7, 2010 Nice name and good luck on your tank.busy irl when your on xbox all day hahah :)
Adam|Note Posted March 7, 2010 Posted March 7, 2010 Lol even Foe have their share of trolls :o And it's not like it's that hard to click the link and read. And if you don't like that, just don't view this thread. :victory: Put updates on here.
prince7691 Posted March 8, 2010 Posted March 8, 2010 I was interested at first then figured out I had to register, fuck that.
Share Charms Posted March 8, 2010 Author Posted March 8, 2010 I was interested at first then figured out I had to register, fuck that.Omg, rofl I didn't know Daily Blogs were off to people that aren't registered.. :( I'll transfer my blog to Foe once I'm home from school :lol: And will continue to update it here :nice: Sorry for the inconvenience everyone, I thought it was as simple as clicking the link. :embarrased:
Share Charms Posted March 8, 2010 Author Posted March 8, 2010 Re-formatted my entire blog for everyones benefit :rolleyes: Hope you enjoy my new and improved blog :Hi:
Share Charms Posted March 8, 2010 Author Posted March 8, 2010 go rsc where they give a shit#1 Troll <3
Ethan|Unicornz Posted March 8, 2010 Posted March 8, 2010 i got 1 of these, they're pretty cool. o00oo0ooo00l is the name, changed to givez u stds. 39 summ 47 def, never rly play it anymore, no mems on it. gl with the acc, ik they're hard to make.
Share Charms Posted March 8, 2010 Author Posted March 8, 2010 i got 1 of these, they're pretty cool. o00oo0ooo00l is the name, changed to givez u stds. 39 summ 47 def, never rly play it anymore, no mems on it. gl with the acc, ik they're hard to make.Haha too bad, they'll pay off in the end :wow:And thanks for the support :nice:
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