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[T]7emon [A]rrow The Beast - Update Video Must See


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-------------------- :) Heres for people that didn't see the last topic for w/e reason lol it's great update video the topic alone had 300 views in 4 hrs before it got locked and the video on youtube is at about 3k views after 20 odd hours with 300 rates :)

NEW VIDEO IS NOW OUT http://www.foe-rs.com/forums/index.php?topic=17556.0 ---------------------

♠► t7emon Arrow ◄♠ Maxed "_______" GS pure pking update video - Still Standing


Hey people this is a new update vid, as some of you already know I've been preety evasive for the last 2-3 months here is the story and background behind that and the pking I hope you enjoy it.

Posted Image

I have alot of videos out now and nearly 3.7k subscribers so feel free to browse my other videos. I get some of the highest quality that's ever been seen in rs pk videos watch it in HD if your ready for that.

This is an old stat pic R.I.P time for the new stuff:

Posted Image

- Watch it leave me a comment on youtube and rate/subscribe/favourite :) -


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Was pretty cool, nice update


Main gtfo the pure world


got rid of the eop shit. thought this was pking video? turned off sorry not that into your account lol. nothing against you


Epic mate, Drake is a boss. But yo I pmed you with my full review.


Was pretty cool, nice update

Thanks bro appreciate it.

got rid of the eop shit. thought this was pking video? turned off sorry not that into your account lol. nothing against you

Fair enough you got rid of it as not to cause trouble I won't put it back, but there was nothing wrong with it at all imo it's how I structure every video topic I make. Glad that you have nothing against me because most people do even though they hardly know me / I've done nothing to them  :omg:

Hey man I was gonna say this on your thread but with everyone being an idiot about your 30 def, mikey locked it.

So ima say it here, must mean sumn if I woke up in the middle of the night and msged you.

First off, grats on being the first prossy gs pure with turmoil, the way the vid led up to 95 pray then 99 mage was epic.

Editing was top notch, always have loved your vids as 1 defense, and the editing on here was no different. Music was good too, I'm a big fan of drake, and it's good to see more hip hop making it's way into the world of rs vids, instead of metal/techno all the time.

I really liked it man, keep up the good work, can't wait for your new vid.

I'll drop by EoP forums sometime ;)

sincerely, Rob aka Chowder Jnr

oh yeah, livemixtapes.com, search gangland 6. Some good new Nicki | Drake .

Now that was a full review comment :), I enjoyed making the video I structured it in chronological order with a few important clips squeezed in here and there lol.

As for music I listen to loads of stuff I used to only have hip-hop rap and uk grime on my pc but watching other videos widened my perspective on music now I see theres good music from every genre.

The new video will use non-constitiion update clips as I don't really like it and haven't pked since but I should have enough clips to suffice, i'll tune into livemixtapes.com i'm usually on worldstarhiphop or good old youtube for new stuff :D


Epic mate, Drake is a boss. But yo I pmed you with my full review.

Hi rob, he wasn't the first 30 def  new prayer maxed "pure" though

got rid of the eop shit. thought this was pking video? turned off sorry not that into your account lol. nothing against you


i think u shud have stayed 1 def imo


i liked it  ^_^

awesome editing and hot 34-35 dds

I Xx Xx Xx I

definitely not the first.

I hate it when people claim they're the first when they obviously aren't lul


amazing editing as always, cant wait to see the next pk vid.




Very nice vid i enjoyed watching, tho it kinda sucked to see u get 30 def :l but the prays seem worth it i guess..


sorry, but 30 def is not pure.


sorry, but 30 def is not pure.

who are you to say it isn't? do you dictate how the word is used? No.

Anyone trying to define the word pure needs a wake up call. Or they obviously have never played RSC.

nice vid. epic editting. It doesn't matter who considers you 'pure' you'll wreck everyone, anyhow.


i think u shud have stayed 1 def imo

Maybe :p but It's something that's been done and I can't go back so ima make the best out of it.

i liked it  ^_^

awesome editing and hot 34-35 dds

Thanks bro i'm just tryna build up my wealth and u'll see alot better just wait for video 9 as the clips for video 8 are already done (pre-constitution)

definitely not the first.

I hate it when people claim they're the first when they obviously aren't lul

Me too, that's why I don't do it I am preety adamant that I was The first Maxed turmoil Gs pure (no pun intended) emphasis on the gs. I've already discussed this in the comments on the video you can scroll through if your that interested. I hear your also a turmoil gs pure but you still have 96 hp gl maxing.

amazing editing as always, cant wait to see the next pk vid.

Haha thanks bro can't wait for your next video i'm subbed and waiting :D


Ty :)

Very nice vid i enjoyed watching, tho it kinda sucked to see u get 30 def :l but the prays seem worth it i guess..

Yea but I thought it would make for a good update video so I did it :p as for the extra prayers available being worth it.. I'll let you decide when I release video's 8 and 9.

who are you to say it isn't? do you dictate how the word is used? No.

Anyone trying to define the word pure needs a wake up call. Or they obviously have never played RSC.

nice vid. epic editting. It doesn't matter who considers you 'pure' you'll wreck everyone, anyhow.

Thanks bro i'll keep it up :)


sorry, but 30 def is not pure.


Anyone trying to define the word pure needs a wake up call. Or they obviously have never played RSC.


sorry, but 30 def is not pure.


Good vid though :)


Anyone trying to define the word pure needs a wake up call. Or they obviously have never played RSC.


You obviously never played RSC. The definition of 'pure' in classic is higher hp than combat. Defence played no roll in the name, at all. Infact, magic played a huge roll. If you had magic, you were not pure.

And who are you to say some one is not pure? If you'd like to argue semantics, at the very heart of the word 'pure', it means only having one high combat stat. Therefore, by your argument, hybrids are not pures. It doesn't matter what your thoughts on the subject are, your definition of -20 defence as a pure is becoming increasingly irrelevant as new and better bonuses for defensive players enter the game. And anyone who can afford the time and effort to make a 30 defence turmoil PURE will rape anyone their own level.

By keeping 1 defence, at a higher combat, you're only gimping yourself.

EDIT: That's my last reply, i don't mean to derail your topic. People's ignorance irritates me a lot, though. I'm sure you understand.


Anyone trying to define the word pure needs a wake up call. Or they obviously have never played RSC.


30 defence turmoil PURE

I understand bro thanks for the support :) I just don't want them to make this topic into http://www.foe-rs.com/forums/index.php?topic=13535.0 version 2

As you can see some people are very childish all im doing is sharing a video and asking for thoughts on the video yet people want to make the topic a pure-warfare session :x grow up guys if you don't like the 30 defence don't watch :x

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