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Hello, new youtube account along with a new runescape account, old pure was hacked for 45 defence.

Just here to ask for some subs, so when i have my first vid up people can enjoy it, i know alot of you guys hated my old ones cause i was carrying tabs in inventory and was praying, but this account's pking will have none of this, no praying, and no tabs in inventory nor teleing.

Heres the link:


Thanks alot, i'll have a vid up soon.

Here's a screenshot of a couple days ago, will take a new one in a sec.


actually im interested in playing/pking with you... as my old legendary account is locked i made a new one.

name - n3l3


50+quest points :D

add me fool

Bows 0n Fire

Nice, good luck.

lv lord phil

good luck with it bro.


Thanks for the replies and support guys, hopefully atleast one person subscribed.

Jordan, add me ingame, I'll be on tomorrow to add you.  Looking forward to play with you.


good luck mate long way to go


Good luck, long journey :X


Msi N Dante, your NH, period.

Yeah, long way to go.


pwnage acc bro u should sell it 4 liek $100000000


Msi N Dante, your NH, period.

Yeah, long way to go.

You got any proof of this?  any evidence too back it up? no? K, shut it then.

You've got a long way too go, what account are you making it into? mauler/clawer/ddser? etc


Anybody could get those stats in a couple of hours, you should have posted this topic with higher stats to see if you're dedicated to actually make those videos and train that pure.

Its zeh noob



I'll be on around 5pm PST, I work full time :/ Pretty good we can motivate eachother to train hard o.O Been looking to make one last ownage account.

Current Goal stats


1 Prayer

95 Range

85+ Mage

Legit HP (non sw) (might be like 86+)

^ roughly under 70 combat if my estimation is correct



Why do you troll so much, you aint no Ultra, why try?

Anybody could get those stats in a couple of hours, you should have posted this topic with higher stats to see if you're dedicated to actually make those videos and train that pure.

56/99 Hunter Atm, Dedicated Enough?

Msi N Dante, your NH, period.

Yeah, long way to go.

You got any proof of this?  any evidence too back it up? no? K, shut it then.

You've got a long way too go, what account are you making it into? mauler/clawer/ddser? etc

No proof, but hes NH, trust me.

And im making it into a pro hybrid account, 90 range/94 mage/90str, then just max out, 60 attack, eventually 70 cause whip pking is ownage besides the fact i'll get defence, ftl.


Goodluck newb <3


Goodluck newb <3

Ikr :)

Ly Marc.


U going for 99 hunter before u train combat?


Anybody could get those stats in a couple of hours, you should have posted this topic with higher stats to see if you're dedicated to actually make those videos and train that pure.

56/99 Hunter Atm, Dedicated Enough?

Msi N Dante, your NH, period.

Yeah, long way to go.

You got any proof of this?  any evidence too back it up? no? K, shut it then.

You've got a long way too go, what account are you making it into? mauler/clawer/ddser? etc

No proof, but hes NH, trust me.

And im making it into a pro hybrid account, 90 range/94 mage/90str, then just max out, 60 attack, eventually 70 cause whip pking is ownage besides the fact i'll get defence, ftl.

it wont et defence if you pk using the attack option

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