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Today we massed up 15 elites to hit the rev caves, to start off the trip we managed to scout Legacy with +5 on us, we knew it would be a hard fight if we took them on 1v1 so we decided to bait them into the North West pocket in the caves and caught them in a gwas killing half their opts and making the rest tele, knowing they got outplayed they ended their trip straight after. 


There wasn't much more to the trip as no clans were out so we decided to have some fun and gear up in Dark Bows and Ballista's and steam rolled through PVMers, hella fun trips boys, drop your pics below!





Edited by 'twxt

Was fun boys, EZ for foe. 

2 minutes ago, Denvin said:

Was fun boys, EZ for foe. 



Where do I sign up for free lootage.... gz lads 

10 hours ago, Forced said:

yup balli/dbow trip actually fun af

that was hilarious tbh. anyone got gif of the gwasclump of LY? @K2P

1 hour ago, ceZa said:

that was hilarious tbh. anyone got gif of the gwasclump of LY? @K2P


8 hours ago, Sir Dubkipz said:

Where do I sign up for free lootage.... gz lads 

Join Foe G!

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