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83 Slayer


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Hello everyone.

I am currently 95 Attack, 99 Strength, 45 Defense, 99 Ranged, 99 Magic, 99 Hitpoints, 45 Prayer, and 1 Summoning.

I am also 73 Slayer, and am debating whether I should get 83 for Spiritual Mages or not.

I know the drops are "luck" based, but on average, what is the possible amount to make in a day off of slaying Spiritual Mages?

Thank you everyone for your time.


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It's based off a drop ratio not Luck. Well.. Sometimes you get dry runs, but majority its either.. One every 40 kills, 100 kills, 150 kills, 200, 250 kills. I did them a lot, so yeah. If I were you, I'd get 70 agility and go east once you go in GWD and go down the rope(Bring 2 ropes). You use no food(Make sure to bring Zamorak and Saradomin Item) and you can camp there for a while.

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I get one pair of boots per 150 kills or so. If you don't want to gwd or do tourmented demons, then go for 83 slayer.

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Get it.

I got 80 Slayer and i go sometimes to 'Spiritual Magers'

With wild pie got some d boots  ^_^

it worth :)

Good luck

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It would make you crazy good.

But as you already have 99 in many combat stats, it seems a bit strange to train to get 83 slayer, just for the D boots.

If you have the time, go for it

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Its zeh noob

I'd say get it, I usually get around 1-3 d boots per 100 kills.

Thats extremely lucky man, I get around 1 boot each 200 kills when im camping.

But slayer is always worth the training (Alot of charms, normal drops, xp-slayerhelm-, etcetcetcetcetc)

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