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83 Slayer


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Hello everyone.

I am currently 95 Attack, 99 Strength, 45 Defense, 99 Ranged, 99 Magic, 99 Hitpoints, 45 Prayer, and 1 Summoning.

I am also 73 Slayer, and am debating whether I should get 83 for Spiritual Mages or not.

I know the drops are "luck" based, but on average, what is the possible amount to make in a day off of slaying Spiritual Mages?

Thank you everyone for your time.



I'd say get it, I usually get around 1-3 d boots per 100 kills.


Probably if youre bored :p

Folk 4 Lif3-Trae

not worth it tbh


I get one pair of boots per 150 kills or so. If you don't want to gwd or do tourmented demons, then go for 83 slayer.


Yeh get it, I like it


It's based off a drop ratio not Luck. Well.. Sometimes you get dry runs, but majority its either.. One every 40 kills, 100 kills, 150 kills, 200, 250 kills. I did them a lot, so yeah. If I were you, I'd get 70 agility and go east once you go in GWD and go down the rope(Bring 2 ropes). You use no food(Make sure to bring Zamorak and Saradomin Item) and you can camp there for a while.


Of course high slayer is a good idea!


From what I've seen, go for it.


I get one pair of boots per 150 kills or so. If you don't want to gwd or do tourmented demons, then go for 83 slayer.


one of the only things left that's worth doing in rs, go fir it.


Get it.

I got 80 Slayer and i go sometimes to 'Spiritual Magers'

With wild pie got some d boots  ^_^

it worth :)

Good luck

Yeah I'd get it, no loss tbh.

It would make you crazy good.

But as you already have 99 in many combat stats, it seems a bit strange to train to get 83 slayer, just for the D boots.

If you have the time, go for it

Its zeh noob

I'd say get it, I usually get around 1-3 d boots per 100 kills.

Thats extremely lucky man, I get around 1 boot each 200 kills when im camping.

But slayer is always worth the training (Alot of charms, normal drops, xp-slayerhelm-, etcetcetcetcetc)

Y4nk33 D33s

yes, slayer is best money tbh


High slayer always comes in handy. + 83 slayer is closer to 85 than 73 slayer, besides, slayer p00ns.

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