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Mining + *Update: 97 Farm*


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Got 73 mining. :) Think im in a week or so 77, then afking it till 99 (maybe, once, ever)

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Also 1700 total ;)

Gonna get 97 farm tomorrow, and 98 after weekend probs. 99 Farm in hmm 2 weeks or so :Hi:

Edit: Got 97 Farm. 2 left :rolleyes:

Posted Image


I tried mining there the other day, it sucks so bad, so boring & takes constant attention.

Think I'm sticking to 70 mining for a while.

Gratz, 4 more for easy XP.


I tried mining there the other day, it sucks so bad, so boring & takes constant attention.

Think I'm sticking to 70 mining for a while.

Gratz, 4 more for easy XP.

Ye VxT, hate it too there, but fastest way ;) Mining with sc picks, im there half the time im supposed to be, and i like sc. An nice alternation ;)

Or come mine with me, mining there with somebody to talk makes it also more enjoyable, makes the time flow =p


Grats man..i might start mining in a little bit =p


Congrats :) any minging lvl is an acheivment lol :p


I tried mining there the other day, it sucks so bad, so boring & takes constant attention.

Think I'm sticking to 70 mining for a while.

Gratz, 4 more for easy XP.

Ye VxT, hate it too there, but fastest way ;) Mining with sc picks, im there half the time im supposed to be, and i like sc. An nice alternation ;)

Or come mine with me, mining there with somebody to talk makes it also more enjoyable, makes the time flow =p

Can't now, started fishing and can't leave it at a random level, needs to be 90 now ;)

Its zeh noob

nice ang gl <3 hihi


Sexy farming, i could never do that lol


Very nice farming dude...mining is impressive too. I cannot stand to mine.


Very nice farming dude...mining is impressive too. I cannot stand to mine.

Had that for 4 years too, now I've finally found the motivation lol

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