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1 def or 20

h4rd to find

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h4rd to find



these are my current stats, i was 13 def way back in the day of 2015 before i perma banned this account, idk why it went to 2 , so i been arround 3 weeks in the game or something started to think about simply going 20 def, 1 def pures are weak and spalsh like mothaF*******, i never pk in edge ( the pussy lands where everyone use the same gear ) ;D range/ags or voiders, spend most of my time rocks/multi or simply anywhere solo deep wild. or 20 def builds are that outdated these days? give me your oppinion guys at this thank you ! or maybe there are some guys who been long term 20 def and can talk about it more.


If you never go Revs or edge make it 20 more fun Addy gloves better nrange gear and best magic bonus also will unlock slayer helm and you might can go 99 attack then?

h4rd to find
Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, Africa11 said:

If you never go Revs or edge make it 20 more fun Addy gloves better nrange gear and best magic bonus also will unlock slayer helm and you might can go 99 attack then?

well i was thinking simmilar way... revs are taken by clans full scale pay up or 20 raggers in 50k gear will come ;D, and with atk most definetly would want to get atleast 85 ~ +, i olso have this pure.


this one wasnt touched since 2013 having h4rd to find this one becomes compleatly un used probably should trade for some osrs gold and thats it




Edited by h4rd to find
to high on weed

also could get 59 prayer for no cb gains or get 70 if you got 20 defence:)

h4rd to find
5 minutes ago, Africa11 said:

also could get 59 prayer for no cb gains or get 70 if you got 20 defence:)

why specificly 70 ? i really have no clue how things go these days 4 years break got me rapiers d claws bounch of other shit that i dont even know egxist probably ;D


13 or 20def, stay75att max, could get 75pray too so ur maxed at 95cb so u can still pk revs

3 minutes ago, Marko said:

do you have autism



just do what ever keeps your dick hard in a morning 

h4rd to find
3 hours ago, Safe said:


maybe sometime in spring ?  leaving to netherlands soon i dont play arround there anything

h4rd to find
1 minute ago, ceZa said:

20 is good for clanning/multi pking

and on top of that will be   easier to finnish maxing account on skills ;s i was thinking go pray like 60 and what ever exp i get with pking on whips will be my atk , no special training, 

2 minutes ago, h4rd to find said:

and on top of that will be   easier to finnish maxing account on skills ;s i was thinking go pray like 60 and what ever exp i get with pking on whips will be my atk , no special training, 

True. I'm 85 atk and 89 pray on my 25 deffer. It's good

h4rd to find
2 minutes ago, ceZa said:

True. I'm 85 atk and 89 pray on my 25 deffer. It's good

what does 25 def add up ?

4 minutes ago, h4rd to find said:

what does 25 def add up ?

Inf boots + frog leather body and I just prefer that number more so

2 hours ago, K2P said:

may as well get 20

for sure

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