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Real Me

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OSRS Quest Order by EvanAndrewH (v1.4)

Cooks Assistant
Dorics Quest
Ernest the Chicken
Goblin Diplomacy
Imp Catcher
The Knights Sword
Pirate's Treasure
Prince Ali Rescue
Demon Slayer
Restless Ghost
Romeo & Juliet
Rune Mysteries
Sheep Shearer
Black Knights' Fortress
Shield of Arrav
Vampire Slayer
Witch's Potion
Animal Magnetism
Creature of Fenkenstrain
Death Plateau
Druidic Ritual
Family Crest
Fight Arena
Gertrude's Cat
Grand Tree
Lost City
Mountain Daughter
Priest in Peril
Tree Gnome Village
Waterfall Quest
Witch's House
Plague City
Underground Pass
Roving Elves
Sheep Herder
Big Chompy Bird Hunting
Mourning's End Part 1
Mourning's End Part 2
Dwarf Cannon
Hazeel Cult
Murder Mystery
Fishing Contest
Tower of Life
Monks Friend
Recruitment Drive
Jungle Potion
Merlins Crystal
Lost Tribe
Tribal Totem
Death of Dorgeshuun
Ghost's Ahoy
Garden of Tranquillity
Tourist Trap
Elemental Workshop I
Elemental Workshop II
Making History
Shades of Mort'ton
Tai Bwo Wannai Trio
Eagles Peak
Giant Dwarf
Forgettable Tale..
Another Slice of HAM
Troll Stronghold
Troll Romance
Scorpion Catcher
Haunted Mine
The Lair of Tarn Razorlor
Shadow of the Storm
Enlightened Journey
The Feud
Shilo Village
Eadgers Ruse
My arm's Big Adventure
Horror from the Deep
One Small Favour
Monkey Madness (don't claim xp reward)
Fight Arena
Sea Slug
Slug Menace
Icthlarin's Little Helper
Tail of Two Cats
Rat Catcher
Cold War
Hand in the Sand
Spirit of the Elid
Enakhra's Lament
The Eyes of Glouphrie
Temple of Ikov
Desert Treasure
The Curse of Zaros (ghostly robes)
The General's Shadow (optional)
Zogre Flesh Eaters
Rum Deal
Cabin Fever
Tears of Guthix
Devious Minds
Grim Tales
RFD-Evil Dave
RFD-Pirate Pete
Great Brain Robbery
Rag and Bone Man (pt.1 & pt.2)
Swan Song
Observatory (There is a 1/16 chance you will receive the Virgo constellation at the end of the quest. If you get the Virgo constellation on the last step of the quest DO NOT COMPLETE THE QUEST or you will be awarded with defence experience. Again, don't talk to him, just leave the quest if it's Virgo)
--1def Completed--


Nature Spirit
RFD-Lumbridge Guide
Fairytale I
Fairytale II
--13def Completed--
For access to adamant gloves and fairy rings.

Fremennik Trials
Fremennik Isles
--20def Completed--
For access to Jatizso's mithril armor store.

A Soul's Bane
In Search of the Myreque
In Aid of the Myreque
Darkness of Hallowvale
--25def Completed--
For convenience around Morytania.

What Lies Below
--30def Completed--
For access to the beacon ring. You'll actually be around 27 def, but I'd just train up to 30 manually and then do Between a Rock. If you're a zerk, training def from 27-30 (4k xp) will not mess up your account build, but feel free to come back and do it later)

Between a Rock (30def can start this quest for the helm and then not finish the quest to avoid defence xp)
Monkey Madness (Claim Str/Hp XP Reward)
Dragon Slayer
Heroes Quest
Throne of Miscellania
Royal Trouble
Legends Quest
RFD-Sir Amik Varze
Lunar Diplomacy
Dream Mentor
--45def Completed--
For access to rune armor, barrows gloves, kingdom management, the full lunar spell book, and the legends guild.

Olaf's Quest (20def-45def can start this quest for access to brine rats and then not finish the quest to avoid defence xp)
Holy Grail (45def can do this with some planning, but due to its high def/prayer xp reward, i do not recommend doing it instead of other quests)
King's Ransom (+knights waves)
--65def-70def Completed--
For access to chivalry, piety, and the camelot respawn.

Edited by Real Me

Good shit my man :foedab: 

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Stab an Tab


  • 4 weeks later...

Ive been searching for a quest order list for ages!!!


Amazing guide, TY

  • 8 months later...

Very detailed, thank you. I still have a bit to work on now that i have ammonites done

  • 3 months later...

Good call with Virgo on Observatory quest lol!

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