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Stellar Gaze - My latest creation [Progression / Achievements ]

The Blood Anthem

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The Blood Anthem

Recent: Thieving Complete

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Latest: Fishing Started

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21 Days of Fishing (Starting August 2nd)

Why 21 days (actually 22, but 21 sounds better)?: On August 23rd, I'll be flying out to St. Paul, Minnesota to start training for my year-long musical adventure touring around the United States. I'll be playing acoustic guitar and lead vocals for a rock / worship band called Captive Free and we'll be touring around playing at churches, state-wide youth conferences / retreats (1000+ people?!), detention centers, prisons, nursing homes, etc for an entire year. It's actually an established thing, and the whole year on the road is sponsored by an organization called Youth Encounter (http://www.youthencounter.org for more information). The whole point is to visit churches and help build up their youth programs through awesome music, and I am honored to be a part of this. I'll have a good amount of free time on the road (believe it or not), so I don't see any reason to quit Runescape.

Until then, I have 21 days to scape. What will I be doing in Runescape?


Starting Experience: 20

Day 1 (August 2nd): 90,840 (+90,820)
Day 2 (August 3rd): 292,730 (+201,890)
Day 3 (August 4th): 575,880 (+283,150)
Day 4 (August 5th): 635,960 (+60,080)
Day 5 (August 6th): 1,067,930 (+431,970)
Day 6 (August 7th): 1,316,265 (+248,335)
Day 7 (August 8th): .....-.....-.....
Day 8 (August 9th): .....-.....-.....
Day 9 (August 10th): .....-.....-.....
Day 10 (August 11th): .....-.....-.....
Day 11 (August 12th): .....-.....-.....
Day 12 (August 13th): .....-.....-.....
Day 13 (August 14th): .....-.....-.....
Day 14 (August 15th): .....-.....-.....
Day 15 (August 16th): .....-.....-.....
Day 16 (August 17th): .....-.....-.....
Day 17 (August 18th): .....-.....-.....
Day 18 (August 19th): .....-.....-.....
Day 19 (August 20th): .....-.....-.....
Day 20 (August 21st): .....-.....-.....
Day 21 (August 22nd): .....-.....-.....
Day 22 (August 23rd): .....-.....-.....

Past levels

80 mining

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70 smithing

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99 fletching

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Bank Picture: July 13, 2009

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Miniature Blog - Stealing the best experience from Pyramid Plunder

The eve of August 1 brings me to the end of my current thieving goal. I trained my thieving doing pyramid plunder. I did pyramid plunder somewhat differently than most people in order to maximize my exp / hour. It's a little complicated to put into words on a screen, so perhaps one day I will make a video explaining my ways. To help you understand, here is some of the math from the last few days of thieving starting on the third day (day I returned) after a three day vacation.

Day 1 - 9,684,218 (+671,060)
Day 2 - 10,355,278 (+1,425,490)
Day 3 - 11,777,323 (+1,422,045)
Day 4 - 13,034,436 (+1,257,113)

I was not 100% focused the entire time, and of course, I had my distractions, but I managed to achieve my goal in, what I would call, a short time. I did a few random tests to average out my experience / hour and to compare different plunder methods. Here are are the results (at level 97).

30 minutes (thieving from only room 91, no chest)
Starting experience = 260,558 till level
Total experience: 11,545,048

Ending experience = 155,418 till level
Total experience: 11,650,188

30 minutes (thieving from room 81 and room 91, no chest)
Starting experience = 146,618 till level
Total experience: 11,658,988

Ending experience = 28,283 till level
Total experience: 11,777,323

Only Room 91, no chest - 105,140 (in 30 minutes) = 210,280 exp / hour (60 minutes)
Room 81 and room 91, no chest - 118,335 (in 30 minutes) = 236,670 exp / hour (60 minutes)

After comparing the two methods, I concluded that thieving from room 81 and 91 would be better experience / hour. I didn't do any tests the chest, but that would bump the exp / hour to around 240-243k, I would estimate. Perhaps this small experiment will give you a little insight into how much time I invest in my thieving for the experience I get in return. Next goal? Who knows. Hehe. But you will find out soon.

Miniature Blog - How I trained smithing.

I started Stellar Gaze by mining to level 80. Once I reached that point, I had accumulated close to 200k cash from ores and shooting stars, and I was pondering my next step in skilling. After doing some simple research on smithing, I stumbled upon this surprisingly useful and profitable method of training smithing. Here's how it went down.

In a nutshell, I bought iron ore and rings of forging on the GE in sets of 1400 ores (10 rings of forging for every 1400 ore). After that, I went to al-kharid and smelted all the iron ore (1 ring of forging per 140 ore) and then tabbed to Varrock and smithed all the bars into iron knives. I sold the knives on the Grand Exchange for a decent profit, then repeated the process.

Here's the simple math behind it.

Starting cash required = 161,750 gp

1400 iron ore - 107 GP each = 149,800 gp
10 rings of forging - 1,195 each = 11,950 gp
Total Price (149,800 + 11,950) = 161,750

At this point, you've bought all your supplies. It is time to smelt and smith your knives.

*smelts + smiths knives*

Once your done smithing, now is the time to sell and make profit!

1400 iron bars x (5 iron knives per bar) = 7000 iron knives
7000 iron knives x (38 gp per knife) = 266,000 gp

Total profit (per cycle of 1400 ore) = Ending Cost - Starting cost = (266,000 - 161,750)

= +104,250 gp profit and 52,500 smithing experience PER CYCLE

Is this necessarily a fast method of smithing? The short answer is no. You won't be getting very much experience / hour, but you'll be making a tidy profit each time. And every time you repeat the cycle, you'll be able to buy even more ores / rings which translates into more time spent smithing / smelting and less time waiting to buy / sell stuff on the GE. This also means that you will be getting more profit and more experience for your time. And that is definitely a worthwhile way of training in my book.

And the great thing is, you dont even have to start with 161,750 gp. The same method works with 140 ore at a time for 16,175 gp. It took me one week to get 70 smithing using this method. And I will more than likely do the same way until I have made enough profit / experience to pursue a faster way of training.

FAQ [Frequently Asked Questions]

Q: Did you make any money getting 80 mining?
A: No, I made roughly 100k cash on my way to 80 mining. And that was from mining shooting stars. I dropped the majority of my ores.

Q: Where did you train your mining?
A: I mined 1-60ish between the Varrock East mine and the iron mine Northeast of the Mages Guild. Around level 60, I began to drop mine at the three iron rocks south of the Piscatoris Fishing Colony. It is fair to say that I have a very trained attention span (I got 90-94 mage in one day on heroes fail). And I was averaging around 50-55k experience per hour by drop mining, so it didn't take me long to get 80.

Q: Are you going to get 99 mining?
A: Yes. 99 mining is a long-term goal of mine, but I'm interested in pursuing other levels first.

Q: How did you train your smithing?
A: I bought a certain quantity of iron ore (I did 'cycles' of 1400 ore at a time) and rings of forging and smelted the bars. After smelting them, I smithed them into iron knives and sold them. After each cycle I was able to almost double my resources with the profit I made. See my miniature blog for more information.

Q: Did you make any money from smithing?
A: Yes. I made enough profit to begin fletching.

Q: How did you train your fletching, and how did you make a profit?
A: I bought yew longbows (u) and bow strings from the Grand Exchange. After stringing the bows, I sold them back to the GE for a minor profit (anywhere from 10-30gp profit / bow). After achieving 99 fletching, I had close to 7m cash.

Q: How did you train thieving?
A: I used Pyramid Plunder.

Q: Are you Fear Figment, Heroes Fail, Blood Anthem, or neither?
A: I am the creator, original owner, and current owner of Fear Figment, Heroes Fail, Blood Anthem, and Stellar Gaze. I've allowed friends to play on Heroes Fail and Blood Anthem at certain points, but I currently have full access to all my characters.

Q: Did you make pk videos at one point? And if you did, where can I find them?
A: Yes. I made 9 videos on Fear Figment and 1 on Blood Anthem. You can find the majority of them on my Youtube channel (http://www.youtube.com/user/trianaistar).

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.
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The Blood Anthem

I tried that - got to lvl 57 but stopped.

look up minerholic

Who said I was going to stop? :D

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huh, mining pure......? You're wasting your time on that acc tbh :huh:

My boy, if only you knew the power of the pickaxe in battle

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Haha mike you always make the weirdest accounts.

whats up btw, you missed ken he got rly active but now dissappeared. i miss east coast heroes ts =(

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