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The Blood Anthem

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The Blood Anthem

Update: July 13, 2009

I've been up to quite alot recently. It's been a great experience, pursuing the world of skilling after so much time spent on the wilderness and pking these past few years. It's almost relaxing, but in a way, it is also highly competitive. I never realized how difficult it would be to train non-combat skills with (well..) level 3 combat. Obviously I have hardly even tested the proverbial waters of the non-combat skilling world yet, but I am excited for the challenge. I have added an exciting new achievement to the main page, so do take a look.

I have also spent a good deal of time revamping the thread. Here are a few things that I have done.

- Removed unnecessary level pictures.

- Uncluttered the thread format.

- Re-organized the thread structure.

- Added a FAQ section.

- Added a bank picture.

And I have decided to add a mini blog with every update, letting you know what I'm doing and where I'm doing it and all that jazz. I will do my best to keep this updated (at least) once or twice a week, but there will be times where I will have little or no time to devote to Runescape this summer. I have some mind-blowing goals, and I will be chasing them with full force this summer. But to reiterate, I have made some changes to the original post. So do take a look, and add a reply. I read every one.

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Hey there, I have a new question to add to FAQ:

Are you that guy/girl from FOE?

Someone on there started an new acc and got it to 80 mining, 70 smithing and then started with fletching, Just like you.

I asked that on peacefull forums. xD

Grats on 99 fletching, good luck with future goals.

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My question is why don't you rejoin foe on 1 of your pures?

Fear got hacked 27ish defence closely after the 99 strength party, Heroes isn't pure I don't think.

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The Blood Anthem

Lol, Canada. Where did you find that picture? It looks real, except the stats screen is a little messed up. But perhaps that was just Jagex's foolery. I still have all my level pictures from Fear Figment on my desktop computer.

Malik, I actually considered rejoining FOE on Blood Anthem, but since I was an active member of Mayhem Makers (was nearly promoted to warlord) on Blood Anthem, I decided not to apply for Final Ownage. Perhaps one day I will create another pure and become active in pking again. But for now, I've been tremendously enjoying life as a level 3, and don't plan on quitting this character anytime soon.

Ikz, yes, that is correct. Heroes Fail has 45 defense. And yes, I was hacked to 27ish defense by Samotboy from Mayhem Makers a little less than a month after I got 99 strength. I pked for a while with 90ish attack, 99 strength, and 10 defense and even made a pk video (for myself, never posted) with clips from the kills I had gotten. I tried defense, and there is even one clip in my unreleased video of a mage bank solo pk while I was under 30 defense in initiate armor. I tried 45 and 70 defense, and filmed several pks from that time as well. It was good fun for a time, but my heart was still with Final Ownage and the pure pking scene. It is fair to say, after getting hacked for defense, my will to play significantly dropped.

At that point, I made a conscious effort to stay out of the public limelight. Then, when the time was right, I unveiled my undercover project, Blood Anthem.

Phenom, I am currently training thieving, yes.

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Lol, Canada. Where did you find that picture? It looks real, except the stats screen is a little messed up. But perhaps that was just Jagex's foolery. I still have all my level pictures from Fear Figment on my desktop computer

Oo course it's not fake, you posted it ;)

Found it on the OLD DI forums as I was browsing through.


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Hawtness.  Do all the skilling you want, then once you go pure (Which you have to do), you will have duh geeepee's.

Looking forward to see your progress.

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The Blood Anthem

Why did you join mm i don't understand it was before my time.

I joined MM on blood anthem, partly because I wanted a fresh start on a new character in a new clan. But also because I was good friends with many people in both clans. For alot of my time in Final Ownage, as warlord and leader, I acted as a mediator between both clans. I posted frequently on both boards and made many good friends. Mayhem Makers was good to me while I was there though, and I don't regret joining them. I made close friends in that clan, and had a good time doing so. And, in all reality, that's all I can really ask for in a clan.

And Canada, thanks for the find! I've been looking on my old desktop for that signature and avatar for ages now :D

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Why did you join mm i don't understand it was before my time.

I joined MM on blood anthem, partly because I wanted a fresh start on a new character in a new clan. But also because I was good friends with many people in both clans. For alot of my time in Final Ownage, as warlord and leader, I acted as a mediator between both clans. I posted frequently on both boards and made many good friends. Mayhem Makers was good to me while I was there though, and I don't regret joining them. I made close friends in that clan, and had a good time doing so. And, in all reality, that's all I can really ask for in a clan.

And Canada, thanks for the find! I've been looking on my old desktop for that signature and avatar for ages now :D

I'd like to thank Canada aswell for unearthing another one of my old artworks!
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