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Constitution... :mellow:


con·sti·tu·tion   /ˌkɒnstɪˈtuʃən, -ˈtyu-/  [kon-sti-too-shuhn, -tyoo-] 


1.the way in which a thing is composed or made up; makeup; composition: the chemical constitution of the cleanser.

2.the physical character of the body as to strength, health, etc.: He has a strong constitution.

3.Medicine/Medical, Psychology. the aggregate of a person's physical and psychological characteristics.

4.the act or process of constituting; establishment.

5.the state of being constituted; formation.

6.any established arrangement or custom.

7.(initial capital letter) Constitution of the United States.

8.the system of fundamental principles according to which a nation, state, corporation, or the like, is governed.

9.the document embodying these principles.

10.Archaic. character or condition of mind; disposition; temperament.

Makes me angry too :angry:

Bows 0n Fire

Yeah update sucks.


lost 1.8m on first day of update FML!!!


Yeah it bites. Get used to it. :P

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