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Need RL Advice

Shut Up Kid

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Shut Up Kid

ok well my close friend just recently broke up with his girlfriend of about a year and a half. now, a few weeks after, he like this other girl.  She just so happens to be a VERY close freind to his ex.  I dont know why he is attracted to her, but yeah im kind of at a stand still and don't know what to do. (also when his ex gets pissed she unleashes hell, she once smacked me because i called her fat as a joke and i got slapped and had a red cheek for a few weeks)

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Shut Up Kid

It's not your business to be honest.

huh? but what im asking is he asked me to help him know if the friend likes him too so i dont know if i want to get dragged into it or what.

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Shut Up Kid

i hope you slapped her back after she slapped you..

just to enrage her more and have the chance to lose my nuts? rather not  :p

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Okay listen to what I am about to tell you. It is called attention and your friend is seeking it. Be it attention from his ex to make her more pissed or attention elsewhere. It is just something people your age do. When you get older you will realize how stupid it is.


o yea and fuck bitches git money

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Shut Up Kid

Okay listen to what I am about to tell you. It is called attention and your friend is seeking it. Be it attention from his ex to make her more pissed or attention elsewhere. It is just something people your age do. When you get older you will realize how stupid it is.


o yea and fuck bitches git money

that does make sense now that i think on it.

i also make good money for my age :p

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