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Bandos Godsword

Cursed Majic

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Cursed Majic

I'm 60 Attack and I just bought a Bandos Godsword. Is it worth it to go to 75 Attack since I have it or is it crummy?

My stats:

60 Attack

99 Strength

1 Defense

95 Range

52 Prayer

95 Magic

94 Hp


Stay 60 and get dragon claws, 60+ attack leads to defence .... Trust me and learn from my expereince.

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When I think of a Bandos Godsword, I generally think of a main :ph43r:

I think you have very good stats, and should stick to 60 Attack <3

Cursed Majic

Ive been 60 Attack for 5 years on this account. Now that I have finally the amount of money to buy a godsword I'm thinking maybe I should since I have it now? I'm not sure :/

Spittles (Old School)

Why would you buy a gs with 60 attack then ask us if you should get 75 attack.

Anyways if you want my cc I believe if your not having fun with 60 attack and seeing as your 99 strength I'd try out 75 attack. Good luck


Honestly I would change it up a bit and get 75 attack/BGS or just wait till you get cash for AGS. It's honestly one of the best weapons in the game why not get it? Gl with whatever you do.

Cursed Majic

Reason why I have a Bgs at 60 attack is because I bought for 25m and the ge shows a curve starting to go back up again. If I decide not to get 75 attack, Ill still make a profit. Kinda why Im asking this question. :)


Stay 60 and get dragon claws, 60+ attack leads to defence .... Trust me and learn from my expereince.

this statement is false.....  Its just like saying "higher range leads to defense"....

75/78 attack is pro, you have the stats to do it, your pretty much maxed so i say you go for 75 attack.  Plus we are in runescape times where you have to constantly evolve to cope with the new updates, max hits are getting bigger and bigger, 75 attack is well worth the 3 -4 combat levels.


Bgs sucks though, one claw spec hits the same and it has two..




bgs is not worth getting 75atk over lol.


Only get 75/78 if you can afford AGS or vesta/statius.

b a m b iii

Definately claws resell bgs


I say you sell it and get claws


keep 60 seriously... 75 attack sucks you're gonna fight tanks. I'm now even making a new pure because I hate 75 attack on my current pure...

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