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T3h l337 nub vid 3. Maxed gs pure. 95% hybriding

3 hit k 0plz

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ya im chase

Enjoyed it. Really good vid dude.

Lot's of praying at that level lol. and not you like the other people pray

Ranger Ltu21

Pretty good videoe,didnt like music,nice hits tho :) good job

I ItalyPK I

Pretty good videoe,didnt like music,nice hits tho :) good job

how u could don't like Hotel California!? L

nice video 4/5


i liked it  ^_^ some nice hybriding in it


Actually liked it alot, nice hybriding with decent KO's. 4/5.

Gf Lenny and Marc!

madly hybrid

nice video m8, keep it up, 5/5


Good vid, quality music


Beginning was good would liked to have seen more ags clips saw like 8 quick ones in your intro thingy and then it was the exact same invo and exact same place just diffrerent opponent.

sum it up - mix up your clips i stopped after 6 mins after i realized you werent going to have any more ags clips


I just thought there was too much overheading going on.

Nonetheless, it was a nice video.



aside from constant praying 1v1, wasn't bad.

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