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25 def


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im planning on 25 def and i've done nature spirit, is there any quests that are 100% needed to do for future reference or shall i just train from 13-25 now.


I think ther's a guide out here on the forum which tell you which quests u need to do for max diaries.


id definitely suggest at least recruitment drive (doesnt give def xp but gives 1k pray xp) for initiate helm. 

You can do in search of myreque(600 def xp), in aid of myrequre(2k def xp), a soul's bane(500 def xp).

I didnt care too much for questing it, so i just trained from 13-25.


a souls bane if you want varry tele to take you to ge i guess


A souls bane and you're good to go

3 minutes ago, Lemons said:

big gibbo



i only did nature spirit, then trained rest to 20

5 hours ago, Gibbo said:

im planning on 25 def and i've done nature spirit, is there any quests that are 100% needed to do for future reference or shall i just train from 13-25 now.

Man like Gibbo 25 defence is not worth it.

5 hours ago, Safe said:


u even gonna read his topic cunt??

23 minutes ago, Danny said:

u even gonna read his topic cunt??


3 hours ago, Danny said:

u even gonna read his topic cunt??



yes u can train it tbh after natures spirit

2 hours ago, Forced said:

yes u can train it tbh after natures spirit


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