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Breaking the meta: A better and profitable AFK training method

Chip Dump

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So, the meta right now for training a pure is go sand crabs, then go NMZ for melee and range. This costs you a ton in GP and it's slow, and while it's AFK, it's not as AFK as it could be.


Thought I'd throw out an idea about a method that'll work for you if you have decently high pray (I know it works, I have 5k kills and already 80 herb on my iron):


With a few requirements out of the way, this method will enable you to:


  • AFK for longer (you need only do something when you deplete your whole prayer);
  • not use pray pots;
  • make up to 600k gp/h
  • and most importantly, get a 20% boost on your accuracy and damage -- and no, 1-deffers, you don't need a slayer helm!




  • Haunted mine + completion of tarn's lair - required for salve e
  • Slayer rings (75 crafting)
  • Ardy easy diaries done, or house tabs with an altar
  • 61 agility, or 56 at a push
  • Decent attack (75+ ideally) - abberant spectres have base defense so I wouldn't come with low attack - or decent range
  • 60 slayer
  • Ideally, herb sack, but this isn't essential (it's more AFK with, as you need to bank only once after 10+ trips)




1. Teleport to slayer tower -> slayer ring teleport (opt-2)

2. Climb up the spikey chain and run slightly east.

3. Pot, and stand and AFK around this area in the slayer tower and leave your account there. They are aggressive for 10 mins. Turn on notifier for valuable drops (setup explained below). 




4. When prayer notifier (again explained below) warns you you have only a few prayer points remaining, use your Ardy Cloak to go to Ardougne Monastery (a few tiles away). Or recharge your pray at the your POH.


- This is quite literally a 5 second return


5. Repeat


If you want to treat it like NMZ and bring ppots go ahead - at least here you'll make more than your money back, if you bring a herb sack (and a gem bag if you have one). Use my guide on effectively AFK training here as a bolt-on: 



From 75 to 99 strength done here, you could, based on math by Mr No Sleep, make about 50-60m gp profit - enough to buy you 99 range from 85. That's leaving some of the less valuable drops on the floor. He made 20m from 10,000 kills - this method from 75 to 99 would require 32k kills.


Required plugins in Runelite: 






"Idle notification delay" determines how AFK it will be - in multiples of 1000 for each second. At this setting, if your account is out of combat for 10 seconds, it'll highlight it and bring the screen to the front. 

"Prayer notification" tells you when your pray is about to run out. Set this at whatever level works best for you when afking. You can have it so that it notifies as your pray drops, when set to 1. 






You can copy and paste the following into your highlighted items, based on the drops list: 


Only the most valuable (most AFK): 


Lava battlestaff, Adamant platelegs, Rune full helm, Mystic robe bottom (dark), Grimy ranarr weed, Snapdragon seed, Snape grass seed, Torstol seed, Dragon spear, Rune spear, Tooth half of key, Loop half of key, Shield left half


If you want to be notified for anything worth 1k+, use:


Lava battlestaff, Adamant platelegs, Rune full helm, Mystic robe bottom (dark), Grimy ranarr weed, Snapdragon seed, Snape grass seed, Torstol seed, Dragon spear, Rune spear, Tooth half of key, Loop half of key, Shield left half, Mithril kiteshield, Grimy avantoe, Grimy cadantine, Grimy kwuarm, Grimy lantadyme, Grimy irit leaf, Cadantine seed, Lantadyme seed, Uncut diamond 


Gear setup: 


Take your best melee or range gear but consider also your pray bonuses. It's really down to you whether you want to favour pray bonuses (more AFK) or xp/h (less AFK). 


  • Helm: Slayer helm or nosepeg
  • Amulet slot: Salve e or salve ei (if ranging)
  • Ammo slot: Blessing or ammo
  • Weapon slot: Rapier or other melee weapon, or blowpipe/bow
  • Shield slot: If open, holy book or defender (if going for dps)
  • Armor slots: Monk robes every time, or vestment robes - it matters not for either range or melee.
  • Ring slot: Ring of the gods, archers ring, or berserker ring
  • Boots: Manacles, rangers or devout boots


Example of a damage-focused load-out: 




Note: I would probably use an imbued ring of the gods when ranging but I don't have one. 




Hope this helps people, incl. those who don't think they have the cash to max a pure. LMK if I miss anything. If you like the guide smash like please 😉


Edited by Chip Dump
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15 minutes ago, Rites said:

Pretty nice guide yet again, is this the better area to do this compared to nieve cave?

Takes 2 seconds to get there with a slayer ring 😉 I don't see why you'd use nieve's cave at all, unless you're using a cannon (not afk)

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1 hour ago, Rites said:

Pretty nice guide yet again, is this the better area to do this compared to nieve cave?

You'd have to be on a slayer task to kill them in nieves cave, so if you're training on them long-run, nieve should be out of the question

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16 minutes ago, Penguin said:

You'd have to be on a slayer task to kill them in nieves cave, so if you're training on them long-run, nieve should be out of the question

I forgot about that actually, good catch

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10 minutes ago, Rites said:

I forgot about that actually, good catch

On top of that, you don't need to be on task to kill them and get the 20%+ bonus regardless, because they're undead. Those trying to get the XP boost via slayer waste a lot of time otherwise on bad tasks and restocking. 


Edited by Chip Dump
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This is a good guide.


The barrier to entry is all those skills (crafting, slayer, agility) [I hate skilling lmao]

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