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What would you do with these pures?

K4rils Jr

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Dunno wat to do, Now that i have more time to skape (got fired lol) Im decidin to choose over one of these accounts..

memories from k4rils... Pkin at 100cb 20defence WITHOUT old wild bonuses (Defender/Firecape) = pking impossible but.. i could get ags but only got 52m DUNNO.

Or i was thinking... Make blade (10def guy) into a runepure.. or just use 10 def? acc

Or.. For Funnn side make him a pro mauler?

Cant decide which one to use, what do you guys think is most fun in the wild these days o.o havent played in a WHILE


k4rils into a turmoil pure?

itz tempting

i think turmoil pure. be pretty legit

Bows 0n Fire

I'd train up Whiteblade and stay 60 attack, but that's if you really don't want to play on K4rils anymore.  That's a nice account IMO, pking shouldn't be impossible.  Maybe hybridding on him in PvP world outside wild to keep level range down?

Creamie pies

First update your windows <3


trust me. its shit.

but dont get me wrong.. back in the day it was the BEST.. You could actually use the STUFF you got 20 defence FOR lol (defender + firecape) Without loosing perm, its annoying as fuk to get defenders and not to mention no point in smite for initiate since you always keep your best item : /

average 20 def pker use mith kite and team cape which doesnt help As much as defender/fcape those bonuses made big ass diference...


First update your windows <3

lol 2001 xp <.<


Gmauler or Turn K4ril into Turmoil Pur.

ya im chase

well karils is only pking imo unless you want to skill and ya 20 def is almost worthless now

The other account with 10 def is kinda stupid since you cant be 1 def really and you already have another 20 def

And the other account is a lot of work but might be fun.

Tbh I would play karils and the 1 def and work on him but not all maxed out maybe 60 attack 90 str tops or w.e.

But ya thats up to you, keep karils because that account would be insane to pk on lol, tbh im jealous of that one.


I'd make k4rils an addy daddy turmoiler. :)


Get barrows gloves/45 def on K4rils.


Make whiteblade 60-90-45.. Is obvious imo.


well karils is only pking imo unless you want to skill and ya 20 def is almost worthless now

The other account with 10 def is kinda stupid since you cant be 1 def really and you already have another 20 def

And the other account is a lot of work but might be fun.

Tbh I would play karils and the 1 def and work on him but not all maxed out maybe 60 attack 90 str tops or w.e.

But ya thats up to you, keep karils because that account would be insane to pk on lol, tbh im jealous of that one.

max melle on 20 def isnt as good as it used to be.

trust me lol


He only has 52m how would he get turmoil.

Pointless unless you have the money to kill.

If you make a zerker at an early stage then you'll get raped by turmoil pures.

I would just max out the Gmauler at 50 atk since those r pretty rare and fun.


I'd make Karil into Turmoil Pure, or use Whiteblade for a 1 def pure =D get like 85 str, 94 range/mage, 44 pray 60 atk


Yeah dude, turmoil :)

Gold Prodigy

"Get rid of your old phone company or add a second line with MagicJack!"

Stick with Karils, you put so much time into it that it would be sinful not to reap the benefits.


give that 20 def thingy to me

Its zeh noob

That +6 str bonus ur talking about shoulnd't be a problem...

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