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Pingfao's Pk Vid 3


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Pingfao Pk Vid 3 [PROMO]


(Special Thanks to X Grogs X for making my banner)

Hey guys, I put a short preview together for my upcoming Pk Vid 3 using a few clips I got from before the recent HP/Constitution update. Please watch, rate, comment, and tell me what you like and dislike, so I can make improvement on the full-length vid. Hope you guys enjoy.

***Questions & Answers***

1. Why did I make this?
I started recording for my Pk Vid 3 a few days before the HP/Constitution update. I didn't think it would look right having 2 types of clips from before and after the update in a same vid, but also didn't want to put these few decent clips to waste, so decided to make a short preview.

2. What to expect from the full length vid?
I can assure you that you can expect A LOT more from it. The promo had a very small variety of KO weapons, Pking styles, and locations, because I only started recording for a few days, starting with Soloing-Edgeville clips using Armadyl Godsword and Dragon claws first. In the full-length vid, the variety of KO weapons will be wider, much like my previous Pk vids (links at the end of post.)

Also, the variety of Pking styles and locations will be widen as well; much better than my previous vids; including PvP worlds, hybriding, and team Pking.

Another thing I want to mention is I would like to learn and use Adobe After Effects for Pk Vid 3. I used Windows Movies Maker for Vid 1, Sony Vegas for Vid 2, and now I want to step it up and use something more advance to keep my viewers entertained

3. When will the full-length Pk Vid 3 be released?
I try to make my Pk vids with excellent quality rather than making "just another Pk vid." So I will probably spend a month or 2 collecting clips and a couple of weeks to edit.

Have any more questions? Please don't hesitate to ask.

Thanks for reading.


Links to my previous Pk vids:

Pk Vid 1:

Pk Vid 2:

I think the link is broken, or maybe its just me but it looks good :p


Looks legit mate.

Bows 0n Fire

Nice.  Making a mental note to go HD full screen for your real vid 3 :) Good luck in making it and hope all the clips are as good as those.


vid 3 looks like its gunna be sxc  ^_^

ya im chase

vid 3 looks like its gunna be sxc  ^_^

sexcier if there is bridding

Damn I wanted more but...

Heres a tip - You dont need to put "1 2 3" whenever u 3 hit or 2 hit someone. We can count.


looks pretty cool, waiting for the real vid


looks damn hot m8t cant w8t for the vid


Looks good besides the fatality stuff haha ;p


liked the editting, coulda had some more variety to mix the intro up alot.


Looks very promising, can't wait. Wish I could pk in HD but my laptop laggs...


I think the link is broken, or maybe its just me but it looks good :p

Fixed :)


Nice.  Making a mental note to go HD full screen for your real vid 3 :) Good luck in making it and hope all the clips are as good as those.

i wish i could Pk in HD full screen! haha. i try to live up the my "Maxed Pure" status so all clips will be strictly selected


Damn I wanted more but...

Heres a tip - You dont need to put "1 2 3" whenever u 3 hit or 2 hit someone. We can count.

I totally agree lol. i regretted putting that on there after i rendered. i just wanted to emphasize the 3 hits. thanks for the tip :)

For those who mentioned hybriding, there WILL be a decent amount of that so stay tuned!

Thanks the rest for the kind comments  <3

Gareth l Rare

Damn I wanted more but...

Heres a tip - You dont need to put "1 2 3" whenever u 3 hit or 2 hit someone. We can count.


Also, cant call that a 3 hit, anyone can click a spec button twise.  :sleep:  3 hits without spec is what counts

Also prevent from using over powered items mostly and dont edgy so much

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