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Blighted Spell Sacks

These sacks will act as a stand-in for the runes used in their respective spells, but only in the Wilderness:






These currently sell for 10k each on the GE, so a bit pricey, but I'm sure they'll go down pretty fast.


Will these sacks become the new meta for deep wild pure pking?


  1. Blighted Ice Barrage sack
  2. Blighted Bind sack
  3. Blighted Snare sack
  4. Blighted Entangle sack
  5. Blighted Teleblock sack



Edited by Rites
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11 minutes ago, Marty said:

ye ill use for trips its quicker to click withdraw 100 sacks rather than 200 / 400 / 600 runes, hopefully price goes down tho or weekends be hella expensive

they only work in bh worlds dont they? if not thats kinda cool and hopefully price will go down

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3 minutes ago, Rites said:


Can you try it on another player ? 


And why did they make it with vls that it only works in bh worlds,bit stupid of them..

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Just now, Alcohol said:

Can you try it on another player ? 


And why did they make it with vls that it only works in bh worlds,bit stupid of them..

It only lights up as being castable when you're in the wilderness so it will work on a player.

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6 hours ago, Alcohol said:

Can you try it on another player ? 


And why did they make it with vls that it only works in bh worlds,bit stupid of them..

Not stupid, imagine single clan (already being able to destroy max tank with ease) having an even better weapon that uses only 25% spec lmao

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47 minutes ago, 'twxt said:

dont think its rly the new meta, say they become cheaper than normal casts, you will need barrage and blitz say for like weekend trips and that saves 1 inv spot... meh

Let the man dream

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11 hours ago, Utc said:

they only work in bh worlds dont they? if not thats kinda cool and hopefully price will go down

ah ffs i thought it was all wilderness, nvm then rip

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4 hours ago, loud said:

would be cool if it can be used outside of bh worlds, just gotta wait for it to lower in price too


19 minutes ago, Scott|Fear said:

Bh worlds only and you cant use blitz with them


I'm in 333

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