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Dust devil mage training (with an alt) - works for irons

Chip Dump

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Posted (edited)

A bunch of people use dust devils as an alternative to NMZ training for mage. 


Given the number of hours involved, this guide sets out an idea for how you can do that in the chillest way possible -- by having an alt stack up the dust devils and alching the drops while your main account constantly attacks. 

Only requirements are two accounts with the slayer required to hit dust devils. This of course could also be used on two accounts at nechs but the requirements seem a little steep!


Account 1: The training account. 


Just use your standard gear. This is mage boosting gear first and foremost - kodai, occult, torm bracelet - and burst runes. Then max out your pray bonuses. 

Have NPC attack options to left click (not right click as would be normal for this task). 

Account 2: The stacker/alcher


Equip the second account with a slayer helm/facemask and then a full armor set (ideally proselyte). Equip dragonhide vambraces - ideally blessed d'hide for the pray bonuses if you can equip it. 

Ring slot = ring of the god imbued (+8 pray)
Neck slot = holy symbol (+8), stole (10+), bonecrusher necklace (12+)

Cape = trimmed skills cape (+4) or better


Aim to have -65 magic bonus to splash and the highest pray bonus possible. This is not necessary but not splashing will cut into your magic xp on the other account. Conversely if just wanna save on ppot cost, you could go in full pray gear instead.


Note: It is essential that you splash 100% of the time if you want to do this for an ironman - otherwise you will not get the drops.

If you have too much magic bonus with an air staff equipped, equip a cursed goblin staff (+0 magic bonus), bought from Diango in Draynor and bring air runes as well as mind runes. You can still autocast with this staff.

Inventories: Just runes and ppots on both accounts, ideally with wrenches - more ppots than I have on my iron. Alchs on the stacker/alcher (with some extra inventory slots - around 8 ). Ideally herb sack + gem bag, too.




Now simply get both accounts to the LOC (south dust devils and place the training account where you would normally stack dust devils, on an "L") with the main account with its autocast and autoretaliate on. Have the luring account autocast air strike and have left-click attack on.

Pray melee on both accounts and use the luring account to air strike the dust devils into position. Jiggle on the L if they're not correctly stacked but seem to oddly do it without needing to most of the time and begin attacking on your main account. Have sound on this main account and if you hear it stop attacking click back on the dust devil stack.


Because the range of air strike is so far you shouldn't be pulled out of the DD. Your focus will be simply on the luring account but keep an eye on both accounts' pray levels. I found this to be significantly chiller than having to lure with darts each time. 


If you have a third account, you can position it in the middle of the cave wearing decent gear so that people hop quickly out of your world and don't crash you. This could even be your alching account, on normals but with kodai out for show and perhaps a tome of fire etc. You could have a 99 magic cape swap with you if needed, to anti-crash, although I've never been crashed when I idle on it.


Works just as well - if not better - at Nechs, where there's extra stuff to hit. I'd almost recommend going to the effort of getting 80 slay (y).







Edited by Chip Dump

I used them method when I was going for 99 Hp and 99 magic. Brilliant guide. Love it mate.


Bursting ddevils is rlly good, thanks!


But just one question out of the curiosity

11 hours ago, Chip Dump said:

Have NPC attack options to left click (not right click as would be normal for this task). 

Why would you have them to right click?

20 minutes ago, Penguin said:

Bursting ddevils is rlly good, thanks!


But just one question out of the curiosity

Why would you have them to right click?

The attacking account should be doing nothing other than attacking the pile - it's obviously easier if you can do that with just one simple click. 


Right click NPC option is normally needed when you need to click through them when stacking them. The luring account is the one that does the stacking. Because they seem to stack okay when two people are attacking the dust devils (I don't know why, it just happens), it shouldn't be necessary to stack them using the L method with the second, luring account, and so that account can also just have left click attack options on. 


Do as you like of course, if you find it to work better for you a different way, but from my limited experience with this it seemed to work best for me.


ngl ive never seen this place before but might give it a shot if i decide i want to max out hp after 99 str

  • 4 months later...
  • 1 year later...

gonna give this a go! thanks 🙂


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